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Arabic Skills Workshop

Many linguists have estimated that the Arabic language has about 250 million vocabulary words. That’s intimidating for not only students, but teachers as well! Retaining vocabulary, defining words and understanding the meaning is like a subject on its own when learning a new language. With our busy schedules now, what is the fastest way to research, learn and retain Arabic vocabulary words?

Al-Salam Institute would like to present its day-long Arabic tools workshop where we aim to teach the budding linguist, student and teacher key skills in modern research using 21st century technology. We aim to teach students how to use their minds, phones, computers and online tools to develop a quick and effective methodology of researching and learning vocabulary words.

This workshop will entail short lessons for teachers and students alike, on how to research and memorise vocabulary words quickly, use English-Arabic dictionaries, Arabic-Arabic dictionaries, online resources, type in Arabic and more. The day will be full of exercises and activities where you get to practice all this on paper, phone and your computer!

Learning Outcomes

  1. Learn fast ways to memorise and learn vocabulary words
  2. Learn how to use the most common English-to-Arabic dictionaries and Arabic-to-Arabic dictionaries
  3. Activate an Arabic keyboard onto your laptop and learn quick ways to type fast
  4. Learn to navigate some of the most common online resources in the Arabic language, including dictionaries, encyclopaedias, books, research databases and more



Bring your tablet, phone, laptop and really any other device you use for your Arabic learning. We’ll be activating your Arabic keyboard, doing some Arabic typing competitions, exploring Arabic apps, using online resources like arabic-english/arabic-arabic dictionaries and navigating search engines for Islamic and Arabic texts.

It should be an exciting day, but only if you bring your tech!

We request that students purchase Arabic keyboard stickers before the workshop. You can purchase them for a few pounds on Amazon here.