- Overview
- Entry Requirements
- Teaching & Learning
- Schedule
- Modules Year 1
- Modules Year 2
- Assessment
- Progression
- FAQs
- Fees
- Apply Now
Arabic Immersion Programme Overview
The Arabic Immersion Programme is tailored for students of Islamic knowledge who have progressed beyond the foundational level. The two year-long course provides an immersive environment for students to improve in their knowledge of Arabic grammar and morphology, as well as further develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the Arabic language. Students who successfully complete both years of the Arabic Immersion Programme (including written assignments and examinations) will be awarded a Diploma in Classical Arabic Language & Literature.
Diploma in Classical Arabic Language
The Diploma in Classical Arabic Language is awarded upon satisfactory completion of the first year of the Arabic Immersion Programme.
Diploma in Classical Arabic Language & Literature
The Diploma in Classical Arabic Language & Literature is awarded upon satisfactory completion of the Arabic Immersion Programme.
Students’ aptitude is tested throughout the year through a series of examinations and assignments designed to prepare the student for their termly and end of year exams. The outcome of these exams will form the substance of the certification.
Students will be issued a transcript of their results and can request an academic reference from the Institute to aid in their undergraduate or postgraduate applications. They will also be eligible to apply for entry onto subsequent stages of the Islamic Scholarship Programmes.
Entry Requirements:
Classical Arabic Language
Students will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in Classical Arabic to the level of a Foundation Year student, or equivalent. This will include being able to have sound understanding of introductory Arabic grammar and basic comprehension of Arabic sentences with diacritics (tashkil).
Students will be required to complete a placement test in order to assess their Arabic language proficiency. If they do not have proficiency they will be eligible to apply for the Foundation Year instead.
Time Commitment
Students are expected to spend approximately 6 – 8 hours per week during term time in independent study. As a general rule, we recommend students complementing each hour of teaching with approximately 1 hour of personal study.
There may also be some scheduled tutorials and/or online classes for students to additionally benefit from.
Course Structure
The programme is delivered by a series of live-streamed lectures and tutorials, and students will also have access to a number of seminars and tutorials uploaded onto the ASI Portal to review and revise at their own convenience. The Arabic Immersion Year consists of six mandatory modules, covering Arabic Grammar, Morphology, Grammatical Parsing, Applied Arabic, Arabic Composition & Tafsir. Students will also have the opportunity to join us on two scheduled student retreats per year, an Arabic Summer School, day trips and SU events, during which students can benefit from the company of their peers, teachers and staff. We strongly encourage attendance at these events in order for students to not forget or become disconnected from the blessings of good company.
Teaching Delivery
Our unique four-tier structure makes our Islamic Scholarship Programmes unlike any other. The Programmes are split into four distinct levels: Foundation Year, Quran Study Programme, Arabic Immersion Year, and the Alimiyyah Programme. These four programmes together form the UK’s first part-time ‘Alimiyyah Degree taught exclusively in the English language.
Core Lectures
Students of the Islamic Scholarship Programme all gather for the compulsory lectures on ‘Study Sundays’. These are the core lectures that take place during term-time over 30 weeks. They provide the core information to be further applied in tutorials, essays, and examinations. Core lectures are streamed live to our students around the world. Thereafter, recordings are made available to all students via the ASI Portal.
Tutorials take place during a weekday evening, usually lasting no more than two hours. Tutorials allow students to review their answers or theories developed over the duration of the course. They also allow students to explore ideas that arise in discussions with peers and tutors alike.
Workshops are arranged to provide practical study experience that may not always be available in a formal classroom setting. From Islamic funeral rites to essential study skills, these workshops provide a more holistic approach to a student’s further studies.
Seminars on the Arabic Immersion year are intended to introduce students to new areas of study and develop their thinking and perspective into a more nuanced understanding. For Arabic Immersion Year students, these are often provided as day-long intensives on topics such as the Etiquettes of a Student of Knowledge, Arabic Skills Workshops or Classical Arabic Literature seminars.
Term dates for the 2025-2026 Academic Year:
Term dates may be subject to change.
Residentials are elective programmes and are priced separately
- Overview
- Morphology
- Grammar
- Grammatical Parsing
- Applied Arabic
- Arabic Composition
- Quranic Studies
- Skills and Training
- Unit 1: Arabic Morphology
- Seminar 1: Introduction to Arabic Morphology
- Unit 1: Arabic Grammar
- Seminar 1: Introduction to Arabic Grammar
- Unit 1: Grammatical Parsing
- Unit 1: Applied Arabic
- Tutorial 1: Arabic Language and Literature
- Unit 1: Translation & Composition
- Unit 1: Quranic Exegesis
- Seminar 1: Exegesis of The Last Ten Surahs
- Seminar 2: Coherence of the Quran
- Workshop 1: Arabic Study Skills
- Seminar 1: Etiquettes of a Student
- Seminar 2: Academic Writing and Research Methodology
Arabic Morphology
The science of morphology is the study of the structure, formation and patterns of words. Having studied this science before, students on the Arabic Immersion Year will learn this science even more comprehensively and in the Arabic medium with Shaykh Akram Nadwi’s classical Arabic textbook on the foundations of morphology, Mabadi’ al-Tasrif. Students will complete his book and gain the skill of extracting any given word from a text, determining its stem and using that knowledge to derive various other words through the knowledge of word templates.
Primary Text
Mabādi’ al-Taṣrīf
About the Text
Mabadi al-Tasrif is part of a series of five books written by Shaykh Akram Nadwi in order to introduce the sciences of Quran, Hadith, Islamic law and Arabic language. The book provides an introduction to Sarf in a concise yet comprehensive manner, making it a suitable book for Intermediate students.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module students should be able to:
• Identify 8 types of nominal derivatives, their patterns, meanings and be able to form them with any given root letters
• Confidently recall the verb forms and be able to recognise them in texts within their various patterns
• Demonstrate mastery of the following verb forms: trilateral verb forms 1-15 sound, hamzated, doubled, initial-weak, middle-weak, end-weak, dual-weak and the quadrilateral verb forms 1-4
• Recognise the above verbs and their appearance in all three cases and in all 14 pronominal conjugations
• Form words when provided appropriate root letters and a context
Arabic Grammar
While morphology teaches the study of the patterns of individual words, grammar teaches the principles governing how to link individual words into phrases and sentences and what meaning is respectively formed after they are brought together. These two approaches are commonly known as syntax and semantics respectively. Every word in Arabic has some syntactic and/or semantic effect on a given sentence, therefore every type of word must be studied. Students will be given a firm grounding in the fundamentals of Arabic grammar in order to be able to confidently analyse the place of each word in a given sentence, derive its meaning and by the end of the year being able to easily and accurately read intermediate level Arabic texts.
Primary Text
Mabādi’ al-Nahw
About the Text
Mabadi al-Nahw is part of a series of five books written by Shaykh Akram Nadwi in order to introduce the sciences of Quran, Hadith, Islamic law and Arabic language. The book provides an introduction to grammar in a concise yet comprehensive manner, making it a suitable book for Intermediate students.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Know the qualities that each type of word in Arabic possesses
• Understand the grammatical agents, majzumat, mansubat, marfuʿat and majrurat that govern the case of a word
• Dissect each individual component of a given sentence with respect to the words grammatical title, function, case and case indicator
• Recognise all the phrases of the Arabic language and their respective rules in order eloquently form them
• Comprehend the types of sentences employed in classical Arabic and their individual function as part of a larger passage
Grammatical Parsing
Al-Iʿrāb, or grammatical parsing, is a classical sub-science or an off-shoot of Arabic grammar. This science breaks down the individual components of sentences and ascribes a fixed Arabic recitation, or template, to each individual component, providing students an easier way to understand Arabic grammar applied in texts.
Primary Text
ASI I’rab Workbook
About the Text
This textbook is part of ASI’s own specially designed course materials. Many books have been written in classical Arabic about grammatical parsing, but virtually no books exist on this topic in the English language. The textbook, chapter-by-chapter, introduces grammatical titles, provides a brief, yet comprehensive grammatical explanation and then gives numerous examples of that grammatical title with its respective Arabic parsing in each type of sentence. The English translation of each parsing is also provided to support students at this intermediate level in their study of Arabic.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Expand upon the knowledge gained in Arabic grammar from module two, i.e. the syntax and semantics of Arabic words
• Confidently recall from memory the classical Arabic templates for grammatically parsing individual words
• Isolate words from sentences and give their grammatical parsing which includes a fixed template for the grammatical function of a word, its case, case indicator and its respective position
Applied Arabic
Applied Arabic is an opportunity for students to practice the sciences of the Arabic language, namely grammar and morphology and apply them to practical situations via reading, writing, listening and speaking exercises. Students will read intermediate-advanced level texts, translate a pre-written paragraph about each text into Arabic, take part in group reading and speaking exercises and to listen to a short audio-clip of a lecture, sermon, documentary or seminar in Arabic on the same topic of the reading for the week. The class is largely interactive and will be initially taught in a mix of Arabic and English; however, the instructor will gradually teach in Arabic only as the year progresses.
Primary Texts
Al-ʿArabiyyatu Lil-Nāshiʿīn
ASI Applied Workbook
About the Texts
Al-ʿArabiyyatu Lil-Nāshiʿīn is a six-volume textbook consisting of a variety of articles in classical Arabic on Islamic-themed topics, such as stories of the prophets, the companions of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), historical events in Islamic history, general articles on spiritual and personal development and more. Students will be reading extracts from books 4, 5 and 6 of this series. By term 2, students will be reading publications by established scholars and writers that already assume the reader is fluent in the Arabic language. Each text is followed with comprehension questions and exercises.
The module is supplemented by our bespoke Applied Workbook, which clearly set outs each weeks teaching, provides the vocabulary words for each text (between 40-100 vocabulary words per text) and includes sections on listening, writing and translation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Read and comprehend intermediate to advanced-level texts without a need for the vowels
• Demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary by being exposed to more than 2000 new vocabulary words
• Possess the confidence and ability to listen, on one’s own initiative, to Arabic videos and audio recordings with an intermediate level of comprehension
• Demonstrate excellent writing and translation skills
• Carry more complex multi-layered conversations with their peers in different contexts
• Build upon the growing confidence in all skills of the Arabic language.
Arabic Composition
There are three types of Arabic that an Arabic language student may learn: colloquial/dialectical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic and classical Arabic. Each are like a language of their own, often with their own vocabulary and even rules in grammar. Students at Al-Salam Institute have a primary interest in classical Arabic and, therefore, this module aims to train students in how to both translate and compose their own works in classical Arabic. This is a unique module in which students are able to get hands on experience with the Arabic language, learning how to express themselves accurately and eloquently.
Primary Text
ASI Writing & Composition Workbook
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
• Be able to accurately translate intermediate level texts from English to Arabic
• Be able to compose original pieces in Arabic on a variety of subjects
• Demonstrate a basic understanding of Arabic idiom and expression
• Benefit spiritually and intellectually from the content presented in each story/piece
Quranic Studies
In this module various Chapters (surah) of the Quran will be studied with theological, legal and spiritual emphases. Classical and contemporary interpretations of the Quran in the Muslim world will also be discussed and critically analysed, as well as highlighting the concept of thematic and structural coherence in the Quran; a concept which was developed by the great Indian scholar Mawlana Hamid al-Din Farahi (d.1930).
Primary Text
The Quran
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Understand the meanings of studied portions of the Quran
• Have an awareness of the interconnected and coherent nature of the Quran
• Demonstrate critical ability to deduct theological, legal and spiritual meanings from the Quranic verses by following correct exegetical methodology
Skills and Training
The Skills and Training module consists of the essential skills that will enhance the students’ development whilst at ASI. Students who have entered onto the programme without any prior studies in the science of Quran recitation (tajwid) will be able to study the theory and practice of the discipline in supplementary classes conducted online. Similarly, etiquettes of a student of knowledge is an essential point of study for those embarking upon the noble path of religious knowledge. In addition, Academic Writing and Research Methodology will detail the best practices in constructing a written paper, transliterating from Arabic into English (and back again), and referencing methods in academic articles, journals and assignments.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module students should be able to:
• Demonstrate a working knowledge of the theory (rules) of tajwid
• Recite the last ten Surahs of the Quran from memory
• Appreciate the values and etiquettes sought after in a student of Islamic knowledge
• Demonstrate an understanding of the most crucial elements of academic writing and study skills
• Confidently reference using the most popular referencing methods, including Chicago and Harvard
• Understand the need for consistent transliteration and demonstrate proficiency in this regard
- Overview
- Reading Arabic Literature
- Arabic Composition
- Listening & Speaking
- Language of the Quran
- Language of Hadith
- Quranic Studies
ASI will be introducing a second year of Arabic language studies for students enrolled on our Arabic Immersion Programme. This second year of study will focus exclusively on a linguistic study of Classical Arabic and Islamic texts in order to further develop and strengthen two key skill sets: students’ reading and writing abilities. Classical texts pose a number of challenges for students early on in their journey of the Arabic language. From archaic language and nuanced expressions to different genres and their unique literary styles and features, there is much to be contended with. This second year of study will enable students to spend time reading a wide variety of texts whilst also continuing to develop their writing skills. This will enable them to access texts on our Alimiyyah Programme with greater ease and graduate with enhanced fluency in Classical Arabic language and literature.
Having a strong grasp of the Arabic language is key to accessing the Islamic sciences with depth and clarity. Before engaging with textual analysis, we are first to truly understand what is being said. This holds true for study of all kinds but is particularly important for students of Islamic knowledge. Our Islamic intellectual heritage is largely accessed through engaging with texts alongside our invaluable teachers and as such we require strong reading comprehension skills*. This second year of dedicated Arabic language studies at ASI seeks to address this for all students of the Arabic language struggling to access Classical Arabic and Islamic texts.
For students with high-intermediate to advanced fluency in reading, we recommend you enrol directly on the Alimiyyah Programme.
*For students seeking to develop their listening and speaking skills we recommend joining our annual Arabic Summer School – Makkah.
Students completing one year of study will be awarded with a Diploma in Classical Arabic Language.
Students completing both years of study will be awarded with a Diploma in Classical Arabic Language & Literature.
Reading Arabic Literature
This module is designed to expose students to a variety of texts in order to strengthen their reading and comprehension skills. Students will study portions of classical Arabic texts on a range of topics from different genres in classical Arabic literature and later progress onto notable books, poems, treatise (rasa’il), texts (mutun), commentaries (shuruh), footnotes (hawashi) and other types of Islamic studies texts in order to give them a firm foundation in reading. This module focuses on the practical skills required when reading Arabic, rather than literary analysis. These skills include discerning diacritics, sentence structures, ongoing vocabulary acquisition and expansion and understanding common features of different literary forms. Students will be expected to read ahead of time and come to class ready to practise their reading and develop their comprehension.
Primary Text
Selected Texts
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module students should be able to:
• Read and understand Arabic prose with ease
• Understand the unique features of different classical Arabic texts
• Know how to analyse words and sentences to ensure accurate comprehension
• Comprehend the types of sentences employed in classical Arabic and their individual function as part of a larger passage
• Know how to independently undertake further linguistic analysis
Arabic Composition
The skill of writing in Arabic allows students to express themselves and internalise the Arabic language. By reading widely, we gain access to a wider variety of expressions and by writing we are able to make those expressions our own, which can also support our speaking skills. This module enhances Arabic writing skills by connecting students with the Prophetic biography, upon which students will be required to reflect in written form. Students will also be able to better understand the historical context in which Islam emerged and be better acquainted with Sirah literature. There is no better lived example for us to read about, reflect on and internalise than the life of the Prophet (ﷺ). This module provides students with an excellent opportunity to develop an oft-neglected skill when learning Arabic. Students will be required to read ahead of time and compose regular written reflections on the Sirah.
Primary Text
al-Mukhtasar al-Kabir fi Sirat al-Rasul
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Be familiar with the early history of Muslims and the historical context in which Islam emerged
• Be able to compose reflective pieces in classical Arabic
• Have a greater appreciation for the Prophet ﷺ and the early Muslims
Listening & Speaking
In this module students will be introduced to listening and speaking exercises which help train their ears and loosen their tongues around the Arabic language. As a living language, it is important for students to practise these skills as much as possible. This will greatly enhance their skills in comprehension and expression. Students will creatively engage with the language in a variety of ways including group work, dialogues, speeches, debates and other enjoyable exercises.
Primary Text
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Understand with greater ease spoken classical Arabic
• Be able to better express themselves in spoken Arabic
• Be able to prepare short presentations in Arabic
Language of the Quran
In this course, students undertake a close textual study of the 30th juz’ of the Qur’ān, focusing primarily on the vocabulary and grammatical constructions in each sūrah. Students will be expected to do i‘rab of every word, phrase and sentence in the 30th juz’, both inside and outside class. The majority of the class will be spent clarifying questions and teaching new concepts that students are not expected to know. Students should have a good grasp of classical Arabic grammar upon entering this module.
Students are expected to use the grammatical commentary of Al-Ibrahim together with ASI’s workbook in grammatical parsing as primary resources. Secondary Qur’anic I’rabs such as those by Darwish, al-Di‘as and others may be used in class. Intermediate-level classical tafsirs such as Madarik al-Tanzil of al-Nasafi, al-Tashil by Ibn Juzzay and dictionaries such Ibn Faris’ Maqayis al-Lugha, al-Raghib’s Mufradat Alfaz al-Qur’an and al-Jawharis’ Sihah may also be referenced. The teacher will instruct students on which secondary resources to access as the course proceeds.
Primary Texts
The Quran
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Know how to do grammatical parsing of Arabic words, phrases and sentences
• Linguistically analyse juz’ ʿamma and apply these skills throughout the Qur’an
• Familiarise oneself with linguistic Qur’anic commentaries and how to access them
Arabic Composition
This module will expose students to a range of prophetic narrations, analysing them from a linguistic perspective whilst also exploring the immense knowledge, wisdom and guidance they impart to the believer. By studying shorter narrations students will be able to revisit key concepts in grammar and morphology. These narrations are words to live by and by being able to correctly read and understand the words, sentences and overall meaning students will be able to connect more deeply the Prophet (ﷺ) and the language of seventh century Hijaz.
Primary Text
Zad al-Talibin
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Read hadith narrations with ease
• Understand the context and meanings of studied narrations
• Be able to linguistically analyse studied narrations
Quranic Studies
In this module various Chapters (surah) of the Quran will be studied with theological, legal and spiritual emphases. Classical and contemporary interpretations of the Quran in the Muslim world will also be discussed and critically analysed, as well as highlighting the concept of thematic and structural coherence in the Quran; a concept which was developed by the great Indian scholar Mawlana Hamid al-Din Farahi (d.1930).
Primary Text
The Quran
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this unit students should:
• Understand the meanings of studied portions of the Quran
• Have an awareness of the interconnected and coherent nature of the Quran
• Demonstrate critical ability to deduct theological, legal and spiritual meanings from the Quranic verses by following correct exegetical methodology
Students are expected to complete a series of assessments in order to graduate from the Arabic Immersion Programme. At ASI, we use a variety of formative and summative assessments throughout the duration of the course. There will be termly examinations in the sub-sciences of the Arabic language and students will also be required to submit weekly Arabic composition pieces that are assessed as part of their final grade. Assessments take place online and must be completed within the assessment window.
Further information on assessments will be provided upon enrolment.
Students that successfully graduate from the Arabic Immersion Programme will be eligible to apply for two programmes; the Quran Study Programme or the Alimiyyah Programme. The Quran Study Programme will provide a unique opportunity to study the Quran over three years in order to deeply engage with the Book of Allah. The Alimiyyah Programme is a rigorous 5-year programme for students that seek to gain a thorough grounding in the Islamic Sciences.
For further information on these programmes, please visit our Admissions page.
Where and when do the classes take place?
The classes are held live online on Sundays.
Are the programmes taught in English?
Yes. All of the programmes are taught in the English language. Many of the texts are studied in the original Arabic with translation, explanation, and tuition in English.
I have a very busy schedule and cannot always dedicate an entire Sunday to my studies. Are the classes mandatory to attend?
Yes and no. Due to recent events we have been able to successfully launch all our courses online, thereby becoming a worldwide course provider. Our students have some level of flexibility to allow for the differences in time zones. However, we strongly recommend for all students to attend all classes live.
Can I study entirely online?
Yes. Each of the programmes can be studied online from start to finish. Further, recorded access is available for all core lectures until the end of the academic year.
Does Shaykh Akram Nadwi teach the entire programme?
No. There are over 20 faculty members teaching the Islamic Scholarship Programmes who are experts in their respective fields. Shaykh Akram teaches certain modules in each programme and authorises graduation from ASI, but he does not teach everything!
Is the Alimiyyah Programme recognised by Nadwat al-‘Ulama or any national or international universities?
At the moment – no. The entire programme is authorised by Shaykh Akram Nadwi.
How will I be assessed?
Students are assessed by a mixture of written assignments and examinations, as well as an independent research project in the final year.
Do I have to sit the exams in the UK even if I live abroad?
No. All exams and assignments are conducted online via the ASI Portal. The final year (graduation) exams are required to be sat onsite. Students living outside of the UK are able to sit these exams at a designated test centre near to their location.
Are the Residential programmes included?
Yes and no. The Residential programmes, which includes two Student Retreats based in the UK, as well as international trips such as the Knowledge Retreat and Sacred Sciences Journey, exist in order to enable students to spend time together in good company, study together and on SSJ's to spend time visiting and gaining ijazah from some of the leading scholars of the Muslim world. However, they are elective programmes and are priced separately. Find out more.
What happens once I graduate?
Graduates of ASI are marked by their embodiment of religious knowledge and are encouraged to contribute to society through their writings, actions, and dealings with others. Graduates may also choose to pursue post-graduate study in order to specialise in legal verdicts, hadith classification, or Arabic language.
What are the tuition fees?
Can I enrol one year at a time, instead of the entire programme at once?
How many teaching hours are there per week?
There are 7-8 hours of core lectures on a weekly basis, as well as an average of 4 hours per week of seminars and tutorials.
How many hours of independent study is recommended?
We recommend 4 hours of independent study per week, in addition to the core lectures on Sundays.
I live outside of London. Should I attend onsite or online?
Online; all of our classes are now being held live online.
What are the entry requirements to join my intended programme?
Entry requirements for each programme are detailed on their respective pages. Generally, the entry requirements for each programme is successful completion of the preceding programme (or equivalent).
I have been studying the Islamic sciences for quite a while on my own, do I have to start at the Foundation Year?
No. Students who have already graduated from an Islamic studies programme may be eligible to enter directly into a programme more suited to their educational history.
How can I determine which level I should enrol onto?
Contact admissions@alsalam.ac.uk or + 44 (0) 20 8090 1623.
Will I automatically be enrolled onto the following year?
No. Entry onto the next year of your chosen programme is subject to satisfactory results in the end of year examinations.
Where do I sign up?
Visit our Islamic Scholarship Programmes page to find the right programme for you and apply.
Tuition Fees for 2024-25 academic year
Over 3 consecutive months
*Ramadan Discount Ends: 5th May 2024
For a detailed breakdown of our fees, please see our fees page.
Apply Now Online
The online enrolment option is available for all students who wish to study the Arabic Immersion Year. The classes are streamed live online to students all over the world via the ASI Virtual Portal. Lessons are streamed at high-definition with a multi-camera setup, facilitating an interactive learning environment for dynamic student engagement and participation.