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Between Extremes

(interpreting faith in the world today, discussing gender, identity, culture, politics and contemporary issues in the world today) I don't think it makes much difference on these issues that Muslims are living as minorities or as majorities. The culture that we...

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Al-Jami al-Muin By Dr Akram Nadwi

Al-Jami al-Muin By Dr Akram Nadwi

كتاب الجامع المعين في طبقات الشيوخ المتقنين والمجيزين المسندين د. محمد أكرم الندوي، أوكسفورد صدر لي أخيرا كتاب (الجامع المعين في طبقات الشيوخ المتقنين والمجيزين المسندين (ألف ترجمة أو أكثر في سبعة مجلدات) بطباعة دار الكتب العلمية ببيروت سنة 2023م، فسألني بعض إخواني أن...

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Reading the Qur’an During Menstruation

Reading the Qur’an During Menstruation

There are two predominant scholarly opinions regarding this issue. In the following response, I will outline these opinions in detail and then offer my reflections and some practical guidance that Muslim women might consider adopting.

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Inheritance: a general overview of the laws

Inheritance: a general overview of the laws

Concepts and arguments related to inheritance are in many respects so finely detailed and entangled that it is difficult to keep in mind the general principles and goals of inheritance laws and customs in Islam. These principles and goals are, as we should expect,...

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Taysir means taking the easier path to manage a difficulty. As a term in Islamic scholarship, it means giving advice or a ruling in favour of the easier option, provided the matter is one in which preference between options is allowable.Taysir is very much...

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The successful life

The successful life

The successful life as measured in this world does not secure safe passage into the favour of God in the hereafter. The good or virtuous life as measured in this world does not secure safe passage into the favour of God in the hereafter. In both matters,...

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Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars of Islam

Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars of Islam

ASI is launching an exclusive book campaign to enable individuals, researchers and institutions to gain access to Shaykh Akram Nadwi’s world famous Al-Wafa’ bi Asma’ al-Nisa’. The 43-volume compilation of female hadith scholars and narrators is a specialist work in...

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