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The danger of reading Prophetic ḥadīths without the discipline of takhrīj
Oxford Query Recently a colleague sent me a written request for comments on, and response to, the discussion of a particular ḥadīth narrated through Imām al-Awzāʿī (d. 774). In that discussion, a respected preacher-scholar who enjoys a large influence through social...

Wiping Over Socks: A Brief Overview
Introduction Among the everyday matters of Islamic jurisprudence is whether one may wipe over cloth socks (masah ‘ala al-jawrabayn) during ablution (wudu). While many classical scholars permit wiping over leather socks (khuffain), questions often arise regarding...

ASI Graduation 2024
Al-Salam Institute (ASI) celebrated its esteemed graduation ceremony for the academic year 2023-24. Held at the Islamic Foundation in Leicestershire during the ASI Winter Retreat, the event was a momentous occasion, bringing together students, faculty, and honoured guests.

The Hereafter
Published on: Nov 28, 2024 Human life is inherently complex and difficult to sustain without a sense of intrinsic value. Mere survival—marked by the acts of eating, sleeping, accumulating wealth, and reproducing—is insufficient to fulfill the deeper needs of human...

Visit to the Shrine of Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi in Konya
Among the most significant artifacts is a handwritten manuscript of the Masnavi, an experience that evoked a sense of profound reverence. While I possess a facsimile of this manuscript in Oxford, witnessing the original illuminated its historical and spiritual significance.

Men don’t own women
Shared Responsibilities of Men and Women “The believing men and believing women are supporters of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, establish prayer, give zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those – Allah will have mercy upon them....

Maqasid al-Shari`ah
Introduction to the Maqasid al-Shari`ah The maqasid al-shari`ah are intellectual abstractions of general principles derived from particular, historical rulings in Islamic jurisprudence. The mental operation involved in such abstraction consists of extracting an...

Between Extremes: Navigating Purpose & Responsibility
Interpreting faith in the world today, discussing gender, identity, culture, politics and contemporary issues in the world today The Global Influence of Culture I don’t think it makes much difference on these issues that Muslims are living as minorities or as...

Al-Jami al-Muin By Dr Akram Nadwi
كتاب الجامع المعين في طبقات الشيوخ المتقنين والمجيزين المسندين د. محمد أكرم الندوي، أوكسفورد صدر لي أخيرا كتاب (الجامع المعين في طبقات الشيوخ المتقنين والمجيزين المسندين (ألف ترجمة أو أكثر في سبعة مجلدات) بطباعة دار الكتب العلمية ببيروت سنة 2023م، فسألني بعض إخواني أن...

Reading the Qur’an During Menstruation
There are two predominant scholarly opinions regarding this issue. In the following response, I will outline these opinions in detail and then offer my reflections and some practical guidance that Muslim women might consider adopting.