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Jibril Programme

Jibril Programme

“O `Umar, do you know who that questioner was?” I replied, “Allah and His Messenger know better.” He (the Prophet ﷺ) said, “That was Jibril. He came to teach you your din.”
[Sahih Muslim]

ASI’s new Jibril Programme is a 3-month intensive covering essential aspects of din, as articulated in a seminal narration known as the Hadith of Jibril. As Muslims, there is a foundational level of knowledge needed for us to engage with Islam on different levels of our being. From our beliefs to our practices and the development of our souls, we are in need of knowledge, guidance and implementation so that we may comprehensively benefit from the blessings of this din. This programme seeks to provide Muslims of all backgrounds the chance to learn the key essentials of their faith.

In the context of the Hadith of Jibril, din encapsulates a wider, more holistic, understanding of what we know of as Islam. More than the word ‘religion’ may convey, din brings together an understanding of iman (faith), islam (faith-informed praxis), ihsan (spiritual excellence) & ‘alamat al-sa’ah (eschatology) in a way that allows us to truly be in this world whilst striving for success in the next.  Students joining this programme will get the chance to connect with the Quran & Hadith, cultivate their Faith & Belief, implement Islamic Practice, aspire in their Spirituality & envision Islamic teachings on Eschatalogy in order to ground themselves, God-willing, in knowledge which benefits. The course will teach core aspects of the din, while making them relevant to the times we live in.

This programme is open to Muslims of all backgrounds, practising or otherwise, and will be taught by qualified instructors on a part-time basis. In times of great uncertainty, this knowledge becomes all the more important to learn, reflect on and implement.




Programme Details

Learning Format

Classes will take place weekly on Sundays, live online via Zoom. Classes will be a mixture of didactive and interactive teaching styles.


21st April – 7th July 2024


10am – 6pm (BST)


Additional recorded seminars will be provided on additional topics to supplement student learning. Any live seminars are TBC.


This programme will be taught of members of the ASI faculty, including Shaykh Akram Nadwi.


The early bird price of £350 is available until the 3rd of March. Please see the Fees tab on the left side of the screen for more details on the prices.

Sacred Texts

Connect with the Words of Allah & His Messenger ﷺ.

Through the Quran and hadith narrations we have the ability draw closer to Allah and our Prophet ﷺ in such a way that attaches our hearts to them. Through a paradigmatic study of Surah al-Fatiha, key ayat of the Quran and selected ahadith from ‘The Forty Hadith’ of Imam al-Nawawi we will learn core principles that inform our lives as Muslims.

Module Overview

This module will introduce students to Quran and Hadith Studies.

Quran: Delving into the tafsir (explanation) of Surah al-Fatiha and portions of the Quran that are important for Muslims to study in greater depth. This module aims to expose students to the profoundly multi-faceted nature of the Quran and strengthen students relationship with it.

Hadith: A study of a selection of ahadith from ‘The Forty Hadith’ of Imam al-Nawawi. This book is one of the most popular hadith works which famously gathers together just over forty notable hadith narrations that are important for all believers to know and study. The aim of this module will be for students to delve deeper into the timeless guidance given to us by our Prophet ﷺ. We hope this will be a means for students to strengthen their relationship with the Prophet ﷺ and his sunnah.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module students should:
• Be able to connect more deeply with studied portions of the Quran
• Have an understanding of salient hadith narrations

Faith & Belief

Cultivate an informed approach to your beliefs and worldview.

Our faith consists of immutable beliefs about God, His Messengers, aspects of the Unseen, this Life and the Next. Understanding basic details of these beliefs, including what is absolute and what has been subject to scholarly difference of opinion, helps provide parameters and a framework for Muslims to then assess and interrogate other beliefs they or others may hold. Living in the modern world, we are subject to an array of philosophical, theological and secular influences that impact us all. Understanding how these may be informing or distorting our worldview can allow us to become more conscious in our beliefs and practices.

Module Overview

The module will delineate the articles of faith, their significance and the essentials of belief. Rather than merely identifying what to believe, it aims to demonstrate the transformative power of internalising these beliefs. It also intends to introduce students to aspects of Islamic theology that can aid them in their engagement with the modern and postmodern world. This will be supported with an introduction to various philosophical, theological and ideological influences that Muslims are currently influenced by. This includes the history of modernity in the West, contemporary challenges to faith and various “isms” that contradict our beliefs.

Additionally, recorded seminars on Muslim sects will also be available for students in order for them to understand the historical background to many ideological differences within the Muslim community.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students should:
• Know the core articles of faith that Muslims believe in
• Understand the relevance of theology in the modern/postmodern era
• Gain an basic awareness of the various sectarian and ideological influences present in contemporary (Muslim and non-Muslim) Western society


Islamic Practice

Implement the guidance of Islam.

Islamic law may be seen by some to be restrictive rather than a form of guidance. Yet, from our worship to our food, clothes and relationships, we have guidance given from Allah, through our Prophet ﷺ, that can assist us daily and result in a well-lived life. Following this guidance offers us benefits in this world and blessings in the next and as such cannot be underestimated. Given that Islam has been sent as an invitation to all of humanity it also, however, does not necessarily need to be made difficult, inaccessible or overcomplicated. This module intends to provide introductory teachings on Islamic praxis, or law, that most Muslims encounter on a day to day basis. It will also clarify when and where more scholarly knowledge is to be sought.

Module Overview

This module is designed to provide students with a basic overview of Islamic rulings relevant to contemporary issues. This includes:

  • Worship (purification, prayer, zakat, fasting & umrah/hajj)
  • Marriage & divorce
  • Food, drinks & clothing
  • Business & finance
  • Inheritance
  • Entertainment
  • Fiqh of minorities

Students will also be advised as to which aspects of law they will need to learn relevant to their personal contexts and professional lives. While a general framework will often be provided, the underlying reasoning behind these laws will not always be possible to explain due to time restrictions. Additional readings and studies will be necessary for a students seeking a deeper understanding of these.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Understand Islamic rulings for key aspects of daily life as a Muslim
• Know which areas of Islamic law require specialist guidance
• Understand the difference between madhhabs, fiqh, and fatawa



Aspire to be your higher self.

Excellence is something all Muslims can strive for in the context of their own lives. Rather than piety and good character creating a one-dimensional approach to this din, the principles of Ihsan are values that can apply to all. However, for Muslims these morals, ethics and states of being hold the hope of attaining taqwa (God-consciousness) and nearness to Allah (swt). What are these principles? And how do we inculcate them into our being? Purifying our hearts of spiritual diseases, adorning ourselves with beautiful qualities and embodying these traits is a lifelong intention, practise and process. And it begins with knowledge of virtue, vice and basic etiquette. This module will teach students essential knowledge on self-purification, good character and adab (good manners) that will illuminate their inner (and outer) lives.

Module Overview

This module will introduce students to the principles of Ihsan that can aid us when seeking our higher selves. This includes understanding:

  • Natural disposition, the senses and the role of the heart & the intellect
  • Definitions and cures for common diseases of the heart
  • Virtuous character traits
  • The etiquettes of a believer

Beyond a merely intellectual engagement with these principles, students will be introduced to the practical tools and methods that can link principles and ideals with their real lives as imperfect, yet striving, Muslims.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
• Understand what Islamic spirituality seeks to cultivate within us
• Know the virtuous character traits Muslims should strive to embody
• Understand how to identify salient diseases of the heart within oneself 


Eschatology & Beyond

Envision the world to come.

The future is unknown to all and without anchorage the uncertainties and turmoil of the world can take its toll. Our Prophet ﷺ taught us the Signs of the Hour & the Day of Judgement and advised us how to be in each stage so as to aid us in our transition from this life to the next. The Quran & sound hadith narrations also teach us about Heaven and Hell with stunning vividness. As Muslims, we are to have our eyes on both worlds, not one or the other exclusively, in order to live life appropriately and, God-willing, attain eternal bliss. This module hopes to open both our eyes so that we may work in a hopeful manner in this world in order to arrive safely in the next. And we ask Allah for success and endless Mercy.

Module Overview

This module will take a deeper look into particular stages of our life span and beyond. The focus will be on:

  • Magic, Evil Eye & Jinn possession
  • Signs of the Hour
  • Death & The Day of Judgement
  • Heaven & Hell

We have been given enduring guidance and hope for every stage of life, and beyond, and as such this module seeks to provide a map of sorts in for students to be able to understand the greater aims and objectives of their lives as Muslims.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit students should:
• Gain a deeper understanding of the aims and trajectory of this life in relation to the next
• Have an awareness of the major and minor signs of the Day of Judgement and how we can approach these signs
• Know transmitted teachings on life after death


Where and when do the classes take place?

The classes are held on Sundays, live online, 10am – 5pm.

Is the course taught in English?

Yes. The course will be taught in the English language.

I have a very busy schedule and cannot always dedicate an entire Sunday to my studies. Are the classes mandatory to attend?

Classes will be recorded and available to view at your convenience. However, it is strongly recommended for all students to attend all classes live.

Can I study entirely online?

Yes. This course will take place entirely online.

How many teaching hours are there per week?

There are 7 hours of live classes on a weekly basis.

What are the entry requirements of this course?

This course is open to all. As such, there are no prerequisites to join the course.

Tuition Fees

Single Payment (GBP)
Instalment Plan (GBP)
Over 3 consecutive months
*Early Bird
£600 £350
Full Price
£600 £500

*Early Bird Discount Ends: 3rd of March 2024


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