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Between Extremes: Navigating Purpose & Responsibility

Between Extremes: Navigating Purpose & Responsibility

Interpreting faith in the world today, discussing gender, identity, culture, politics and contemporary issues in the world today The Global Influence of Culture I don’t think it makes much difference on these issues that Muslims are living as minorities or as...

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Al-Jami al-Muin By Dr Akram Nadwi

Al-Jami al-Muin By Dr Akram Nadwi

كتاب الجامع المعين في طبقات الشيوخ المتقنين والمجيزين المسندين د. محمد أكرم الندوي، أوكسفورد صدر لي أخيرا كتاب (الجامع المعين في طبقات الشيوخ المتقنين والمجيزين المسندين (ألف ترجمة أو أكثر في سبعة مجلدات) بطباعة دار الكتب العلمية ببيروت سنة 2023م، فسألني بعض إخواني أن...

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Reading the Qur’an During Menstruation

Reading the Qur’an During Menstruation

There are two predominant scholarly opinions regarding this issue. In the following response, I will outline these opinions in detail and then offer my reflections and some practical guidance that Muslim women might consider adopting.

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The Qur’an should not be valued as merely a sacred object

The Qur’an should not be valued as merely a sacred object

1. The Qur’an as Self-Consistent and Coherent Guidance (1) Allah says in the Qur’an about the Qur’an, that it is a self-consistent, coherent message from the Creator to the most favoured among His creatures. He also says of it that it is the final revelation of His...

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Muqaddimah of ibn al-Salah

Muqaddimah of ibn al-Salah

Kitab Ma’rifat anwa’ Ilm al-Hadith, better known as the Muqaddimah of Ibn al-Salah, is a well-known intermediate level text on the science of Usul al-hadith. For students familiar with the Arabic language and have covered beginners texts in hadith methodology, this...

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Modern science seeks power, not wisdom

Modern science seeks power, not wisdom

Narrow Focus on Causes and Effects Modern science is dedicated to explaining events and processes in the natural world, most of the time by means of some degree of mastery of the chain of the causes and effects that lead to specific events and processes. The problem...

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