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Ease an aspiring student’s path to knowledge

To sponsor a student, please click the button associated with the statement. You can choose to sponsor a student’s tuition fee in a single instalment of £2,100 or any custom amount. Alternatively, you can support a student by covering the full tuition fee over 10 monthly instalments. If you have any queries related to this sponsorship, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Note: To ensure that donations are used effectively, we may reallocate funds from students who are significantly below their sponsorship targets and unlikely to reach them. These donations will be redirected to students who have received greater support and are closer to meeting their fundraising goals. This approach maximises the impact of your contributions and helps students successfully complete their programmes

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Student ASI001 | Gender: Male | Age: 35 | Date added: 02/10/24

I am a 35-year-old male currently enrolled in the Foundation Year at Al-Salaam, alongside my wife. We both genuinely enjoy the course and are benefiting immensely from the classes. I believe I am doing well in my studies and see actively engaging in Islamic studies as the only way I can safeguard Islam for my children and future generations. It is not enough to simply practise the basics; I am committed to a deeper understanding and application of my faith. Read more

I chose Al-Salaam because it offers an open academic environment that encourages asking questions and holding oneself accountable. I find the teaching style and pedagogy to be excellent in ensuring continuous learning and accountability. My goal is to complete the entire Alimiyyah programme, including the QSP and the Arabic Immersion programme.

However, I am facing significant financial difficulties. Since Liz Truss's policies led to the economic downturn in the UK in September 2022, my mortgage has increased by over £1,000 per month. Additionally, my wife, who was also working, no longer has a regular job. We are struggling to make ends meet, especially with two children and elderly parents to support, and I am worried about losing our home. In a desperate attempt to improve our situation, I have even applied for jobs abroad, as my current salary is insufficient.

Because of these financial pressures, my wife and I have had to step back from the Arabic Immersion year until we can afford it. However, I am deeply committed to my studies, and if you could kindly sponsor me, I would be able to fully commit to continuing my education at Al-Salaam. This sponsorship would allow me to pursue my goal of completing the programme and, ultimately, contribute meaningfully to my community and future generations.

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Student ASI002 | Gender: Female | Age: 35 | Date added: 02/10/24

I’m a dedicated and hardworking person with a strong desire to further my Islamic education. As a mother of four young children, I’m currently not working and need financial support to continue my journey in Arabic and Islamic studies. This support would help me pursue my passion for gaining and sharing knowledge without being held back by financial worries. Read more

I’ve studied Arabic through various short courses, covering Arabic grammar and other basic sciences, which has given me a good foundation. This has only deepened my desire to learn more about Islamic studies. After hearing about ASI and reading positive reviews about the programme, I’m convinced it’s the best place for me to continue my education. The knowledge and skills I hope to gain at ASI won’t just help me grow personally but will also enable me to make a meaningful impact in my community.

Right now, I’m struggling to afford the fees for this course as it’s beyond my budget, and ASI doesn’t have a dedicated fund apart from this student sponsorship platform. If you could help with my tuition fees, it would make a huge difference, allowing me to focus on my studies and achieve my educational goals, which in turn will help me positively influence those around me.

Besides my studies, I’m very involved in my local community, where I organise circles for sisters and families. I’m passionate about education, and that’s why it’s so important for me to learn from scholars like Shaykh Arkam and study at a reputable institute like ASI. Your support would not only benefit me but also have a lasting impact on many others in the future. I sincerely hope that this contribution will bring ongoing benefits for everyone involved.

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Student ASI003 | Gender: Male | Age: 19 | Date added: 02/10/24

I am a 19-year-old male living in the USA, and I recently converted to Islam. I’m writing to request sponsorship for Al-Salam’s Alimiyyah Program, as I wouldn’t be able to study without financial assistance. As a new Muslim, I don’t have my family’s financial support in seeking Islamic knowledge, and as a college student, most of my savings are going towards living expenses. Read more

What really draws me to Al-Salam is the programme’s rigor and depth, especially in Usul and comparative Fiqh. I’ve already studied some basic texts in grammar and fiqh al-ibadah and am eager to continue my studies while also working on my college degree. I’ve volunteered at local masajid and with youth groups, but I’ve realised that I need to deepen my own knowledge to prepare for the akhirah before I can effectively help others. That’s what I hope to gain from studying at the Al-Salam Institute.

Your support would make it possible for me to pursue this path of knowledge, and I’m truly grateful for your consideration.

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Student ASI004 | Gender: Female | Age: 18 | Date added: 02/10/24

I am seeking financial support for my academic journey at Al Salaam Institute (ASI) because my passion for Islamic studies and dedication to serving my community drive me to pursue higher education, despite financial constraints. From a young age, I have been deeply invested in Islamic education, starting with my studies at the School of Basic Islamic Studies (SOBIS), where I reinforced my foundational knowledge of Islam and connected more deeply with my deen. I then studied at Al-Huda International Institute, where I learned Arabic grammar and undertook an in-depth tafsir of the Quran for a year alongside my GCSEs. This early exposure ignited a lifelong thirst for knowledge and a commitment to pursuing more Islamic education. Read more

My personal journey in seeking knowledge has been marked by continuous self-study, participation in community classes, weekly halaqas, teaching Quran online to students in Gambia, and attending online Islamic webinars. These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation in Islamic principles. However, I recognize the need for formal education at ASI to deepen my understanding and acquire the scholarly knowledge necessary to contribute meaningfully to my community and the broader Muslim Ummah.

I am drawn to ASI because of its renowned faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and emphasis on both classical and contemporary Islamic sciences. Studying at ASI will allow me to learn from distinguished scholars, engage in critical discourse, and gain a nuanced understanding of the Islamic tradition. The institute’s commitment to academic excellence and spiritual growth aligns perfectly with my aspirations.

In my local community, I am actively involved in organizing study circles, leading youth programmes, and volunteering at the mosque. By studying at ASI, I aim to enhance my ability to serve as a knowledgeable resource, offering informed religious guidance and fostering a deeper sense of spirituality among community members. Financial support will enable me to achieve these goals and fulfill my potential as a committed and capable teacher, which is what I wish to become in the future Insha’Allah.

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Student ASI005 | Gender: Female | Age: 41 | Date added: 02/10/24

I have always aspired to seek knowledge of the sacred sciences. However, due to financial constraints and family responsibilities, I haven’t been able to study a structured programme. I want to begin my academic journey of seeking knowledge but don’t have the financial means to cover the fees. I am not in employment, I'm reaching out for financial support, please. Read more

My journey to seeking knowledge began as a child attending weekday evening madrasah and learning at home. As I was raising my children I taught them basics at home. I listened to online talks and attended talks at my local masjid. I wanted to help my children with their madrasah homework but lacked the knowledge.

I joined short online courses and studied Tajwid, Tafsir, Fiqh, and Seerah. This helped me to improve my ibadah and help my children. I have also studied and completed Professional Counseling Skills Programme.

The Foundation Year in Classical Arabic and Islamic Sciences will provide a solid foundation for me. It’s a great blessing to study under the guidance of qualified teachers based in UK including Shaykh Akram Nadwi. I cannot travel or study full time, I can study this course around my commitments while caring for my family and continuing my community work.

I have been volunteering at my local masjid for a few years in different capacities. I started as an admin there after doing weekly halaqa with young sisters. Since last year I have had the responsibility to support revert sisters. I also provide professional counseling services at the masjid.

Studying at ASI will greatly benefit me. It will help me understand the Qur’an, develop confidence in my Deen, improve my ibadah, and improve every aspect of my personal life and community work InshaAllah. Would you kindly please consider my application. JazakAllahu Khairan.

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Student ASI006 | Gender: Female | Age: 19 | Date added: 02/10/24

I am currently pursuing a degree in Bioengineering at Imperial College London, and I am seeking financial support to study the Arabic Immersion course at ASI. My motivation stems from a deep desire to understand the Quran and enrich my community with the knowledge I gain. My journey in Islamic education began early, at the age of 14, when I achieved an A* in Arabic GCSE, which sparked my passion for the language. By the age of 15, I had independently completed the Hifdh of the Quran. I further studied under a certified teacher from Syria, earning an ijazah from the Awqaf Institute, authorizing me to teach the Quran.Read more

Since then, I have utilized my ijazah to teach the Quran to children and sisters within my community. I have conducted group courses, including memorizing Surah Al-Kahf and Ramadan memorization challenges. Currently, I am assisting several students with their Hifdh. Dr. Akram Nadwi has had a significant influence throughout my childhood. Attending his lectures at Cambridge with my parents had instilled a deep respect and admiration for his work, motivating me to study at ASI. The Arabic Immersion course at ASI represents an opportunity to deepen my understanding of the Quran, which I believe is essential for my personal growth and my ability to positively impact my community.

Studying at the Arabic Immersion course is just the beginning of my journey. I aspire to continue studying with ASI through the Alimiyyah course, which will equip me with comprehensive Islamic knowledge. This will enable me to offer even more to my community, particularly in guiding and teaching the younger generation.

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Student ASI007 | Gender: Female | Age: 30 | Date added: 02/10/24

I have been blessed to embark on my Quran memorisation journey over the past five years. Alhamdulillah, I also hold an Ijazaah in Qa'dah Nawraniah, have studied Tajweed, and regularly attend Islamic classes. My main goal is to strengthen my relationship with Allah SWT, and I continuously strive to learn more.Read more

In my volunteering role, I am an active participant in my community. I am passionate about helping sisters connect with the Quran and reflect upon its teachings. My work focuses on community engagement, particularly in da'wah projects for both Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as Quranic initiatives. I have also been involved in youth development programs. This passion stems from a holistic understanding of Islam, emphasising the importance of personal and communal development.

I wish to study with ASI because my goal is to study the Quran in depth—not just through memorisation but also through deep understanding and reflection. I am truly blessed to have been introduced to the Quran Study Programme (QSP) by ASI, which provides an opportunity for those with busy schedules to study the Quran thoroughly. I view the Quran as a book of guidance; it is our way to know Allah SWT, understand our purpose, and find strength. Through developing a deep connection with and understanding of the Quran, our mindsets transform, making us better and stronger Muslims.

Since arriving in the UK three years ago, I have actively supported my community through Islamic societies and mosques. I aspire to continue studying the Quran and assisting those around me.

May Allah SWT bless me in this journey and enable me to continue helping others. Barak Allahu feekum.

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Student ASI008 | Gender: Female | Age: 19 | Date added: 02/10/24

I have always had a profound passion for studying the Alimiyyah programme, aspiring to become a scholar and spread Islam through my efforts. As a university student training to become a teacher, I am eager to undertake this course alongside my studies. However, financial constraints are my only obstacle. My family struggles with many financial responsibilities, making it difficult to afford this education. I trust in Allah (SWT) to provide Rizq, and I wish to pursue something that pleases Him. Inspired by my sister-in-law, who became an Alimah eight years ago and has been teaching since, I am determined to follow in her footsteps.Read more

My Islamic education began at a young age. I attended the School of Basic Islamic Studies (SOBIS) with my family and community, participate in weekly halaqahs and lectures, and completed six months of an intensive Taleem-ul-Quran course overseas, studying Tafsir, Seerah, Arabic, aspects of the Bukhari Series, and stories of the Sahaba.

Al-Salaam Institute's hybrid teaching approach and comprehensive modules align perfectly with my interests. I am particularly keen to learn from esteemed scholars like Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi. My sister and I, both from Cardiff, have applied for this scholarship, hoping to be accepted together or share the sponsorship.

At 19, I am actively involved in my local community, volunteering part-time at the evening Islamic school and local mosques, including Dar-ul-Isra and Madina Masjid, for scouts, events, and gatherings. My uncle and brothers plan to open an Islamic institute in Wales, and I wish to contribute by teaching the knowledge I will gain from this course.

We all seek Allah's mercy and blessings, and I believe teaching for His sake is a noble path. Studying at Al-Salaam Institute will not only enrich my life but also benefit my community as I aim to share this sacred knowledge, Insha'Allah.

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Student ASI009 | Gender: Female | Age: 21 | Date added: 02/10/24

The one who treads a path of knowledge, Allah makes easy for him paradise. ‘Ilm is essential in reinforcing one’s understanding of the deen, clarifying and paving the way; allowing for a deep spiritual growth, gaining closeness to Allah SWT.Read more

I joined Roots Academy classes, a fundamentals of Islam program to students across the country, shortly before taking my shahada. The weekly classes sparked my interest, pushing me to reflect, think critically, and adopt an Islamic perspective. A year later, all praise is to Allah. I am enrolled in an Islamic Studies program, formally studying religious sciences, having successfully completed studies in aqeedah, fiqh and seerah.

I am an active member of the community, currently education officer for the University of Sheffield Islamic Circle. I research, plan and coordinate Islamic History classes with the aim of providing students with a deep insight into our history as an ummah- gaining awareness of how history has shaped us and utilizing it to forge a strong ummah for the future, whilst adopting an Islamic worldview. Within the university, I have founded a program targeted at reverts, in order to teach essentials of Islam and ensure a strong foundation in their deen.

Moreover, as Roots Student ambassador, I am involved in providing a structured curriculum, developing resources used in class and revision, and actively encouraging and supporting students in their journeys of seeking knowledge.

It is my goal to complete an Alimiyyah qualification, followed by further specialization in Islamic sciences, particularly tafsir and quranic studies. A programme at ASI under the tutelage of prestigious scholars offers students great knowledge of the deen. Further opportunities provided by the institute allow students to reinforce knowledge, gain expertise in sciences and offer a multitude of perspectives. Having achieved "Shahadah Alimiyyah" insha'Allah, I wish to combine my Islamic studies with my community work, bring a positive change to the ummah, supporting communities and making knowledge accessible through research and teaching.

As the sole Muslim in my family, by the will of Allah, I must pave my own way towards seeking knowledge, unsupported by many. However, as a current full-time engineering student, this has become increasingly difficult. It is my sincere wish to gain a deep understanding of our most precious gift, Islam and leave a lasting impact for the ummah of the future.

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Student ASI010 | Gender: Female | Age: 34 | Date added: 02/10/24

As salaamu alaikum, I pray this message finds you in the best of health and imaan, In sha Allah.

I am writing to seek your support through a scholarship. Currently, I am only able to work one day a week and am burdened with a debt of around £75,000, with no savings. After recently moving out of London, I am now without a car, so I am only able to pursue an online course. Coming from a non-practicing family, my journey has been much like that of a revert. My goal is to study Islam deeply and, with Allah’s will, to establish my own Arabic institute in the future. As a qualified teacher, I am passionate about education and fully committed to this aspiration. Read more

Your support would mean the world to me.

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Student ASI011 | Gender: Male | Age: 24 | Date added: 02/10/24

As someone who has dedicated four years to the study of Dars Nizami, my passion for Islamic studies has only grown stronger. This journey, rooted in a deep desire to understand the divine and serve my community, has shaped my intellectual and spiritual development. My previous Islamic education instilled in me the discipline and commitment necessary to navigate complex theological and jurisprudential texts, but it also highlighted the vastness of knowledge yet to be explored. Read more

The desire to study at ASI stems from its rigorous curriculum, distinguished faculty, and its unique approach to Arabic and Islamic methodology. ASI’s commitment to teaching Arabic at an advanced level, alongside its methodical approach to traditional Islamic sciences, resonates deeply with my goals. Their focus on mastering the language of the Qur’an and Hadith, combined with a sound methodology that integrates classical learning with contemporary issues, makes it the ideal place for me to continue my studies. I believe this will profoundly deepen my understanding of the faith and equip me to address modern challenges. I love studying, especially within the rich tradition of Islamic scholarship, and I believe that financial support will allow me to fully dedicate myself to my academic pursuits. It’s not just about obtaining a degree; it’s about continuing a lifelong journey of learning and growing in my understanding of the faith, so I can contribute more effectively to my community. Financial support will enable me to focus on my studies without the constant worry of making ends meet, ultimately allowing me to achieve my full potential as a student and community leader.

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Student ASI012 | Gender: Female | Age: -- | Date added: 02/10/24

Asalamo alikum. I have a deep interest/ desire to start learning real and accurate knowledge of my beloved religion of Islam. Life is passing very fast and I'm already in my mid forties. I am a busy single mother of three, I work part time, around my children. I drop them to school ,go to work for 3 hours and then pick them up from school. Read more

They're growing and need to learn and bond with the holy Quran and be attached to Islam. I know my knowledge of our religion is very limited but my attachment is endless. I'm aware that i am firstly responsible for seeking knowledge as it's my obligation. I want to study my religion fully for many reasons such as raising my children correctly, changing and perfecting my character, doing outreach work for our Muslim youth,with confidence and the correct knowledge and approach. My motivation in seeking knowledge is to be capable to fulfill my purpose in life which is to worship my Lord and help our communities to return to Allah's guidance, as we all will be asked of our input off correcting the corruptions of our Muslim youths and nation as a whole. My financial circumstances is my first obstacle in joining your course. As my children are growing,alhumdo lil Allah and I am able to organise my time better to meet the requirements of studies. My income is very limited and we're just getting by ,by Allah 's grace. After all my payouts and all the essentials we're left with survival limited fund till next month.

I understand that this application is not guaranteed , is on a first come first serve basis and is also quite late on my application but I wanted to strive to express my unlimited desire to learn and transform my life and others.

I thank you for the opportunity and Jazakum Allaho khairan for all you do.

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Student ASI013 | Gender: Male | Age: 32 | Date added: 02/10/24

Firstly, I thank Allah for the privilege and blessing to apply for an opportunity to continue my education at Al-Salam Institute. With the help of Allah, I completed the first year of the intermediate curriculum of the Alimiyya program in 2019, and I am now seeking financial assistance to resume my studies by joining the second year of the Arabic Immersion Studies program. Read more

My goal is to complete my journey in scholastic literacy under the tutelage of Shaykh Akram Nadwi. My motivation stems from a deep desire for mastery and versatility in the modern age, where I engage with diverse communities both online and offline.

Growing up in a cross-cultural Nigerian family in both the U.S. and Nigeria, I was exposed to various learning environments, including Qur’anic literacy and Islamic ethics in a Maliki setting. However, the post-colonial context disrupted the traditional Islamic learning I craved, leading me to Al-Salam Institute. There, under Shaykh Akram Nadwi, I began my formal journey towards a deeper understanding of Islamic studies.

After 2019, I took a sabbatical to reflect on how I could apply my knowledge for community benefit. While the first year at Al-Salam was enriching, I realized that I still needed to strengthen my Arabic reading skills to engage critically with teachers and texts.

Now, with the revamped Arabic Immersion program, I see this as the perfect opportunity to continue. The program will accelerate my Arabic competence and prepare me to pursue an impactful master’s in Islamic Political Theory.

This journey is a long but promising one that requires both financial and emotional support. Hence, I humbly request to be a beneficiary of this privilege, so that, Insha Allah, I can continue to serve as a thinker and community vanguard in North America and West Africa. My zeal remains to be a man of service dedicated to the future Ummatic fortunes of our communities.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your consideration.

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