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Principles & Ethics of Ifta

A Study of Usul al-Ifta and Analysis of Contemporary Fatawa

Course Overview

This module is an extended two-year course that aims to cover the principles and ethics when researching, drafting and issuing fatwas. The first year will provide a foundational understanding of usul al-ifta outlined in Shaykh Akram’s recent publication, ‘ Al-Mu’tamad fi Usul al-Fatwa‘ whilst also exposing students to other writings on the methodology of issuing new legal rulings. These writings include selections from ‘Sharh Rasm al-Mufti’ by Ibn Abidin, ‘I’lam al-Muwaqqi’in’ by Ibn al-Qayyim, ‘Hujjat Allah al-Baligha’ by Shah Wali Allah, ‘Al-Muhalla’ by Ibn Hazm and Izz bin Abdul Salam’s ‘Qawaid al-Sughra’. The second year will consist of an analysis of classical and contemporary fatawa and case studies of original ijtihad that are of key interest to students of fiqh and ifta. These will be taken from classical works as well as Shaykh Akram’s book, ‘Fatawa wa Abhath Fiqhiyya Mu’asira‘, a selection of contemporary fatawa.

This course will provide a foundation for trainee muftis as they progress in their studies and research.

This module is part of our Ifta Specialisation Programme, which is also available to audit for advanced students of knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Understand the basic theoretical and ethical principles of iftā’
  • Gain an understanding of how different scholars have viewed iftā’
  • Develop an appreciation of exemplary fatwas
  • Gain an understanding of the academic and ethical qualities expected of a muftī


Key Information:

Study Mode: LIVE Online
Day: Every Thursday
Time: 6:30 – 7:30pm (UK)
Class Dates: Thursday, 10th October 2024
Duration: 2 years (48 weeks over 6 terms)
Registration deadline: Tuesday 8th October

First Year:
Usul al-Ifta and Adab al-Mufti
Second Year:
Fatawa wa Abhath Fiqhiyya

Course Fees:
£500 in a single instalment (for 2 Academic Years)
£600 in three instalments (£200 payable in 3 instalments via bank transfer only. please contact by email for further details on payment options.)

(includes livestream + recorded access to classes for the duration of the course)

Module Outline

Course Breakdown
Week 1Course Introduction & Overview
Week 2Ibn al-Qayyim’s Iʿlām al-muwaqqiʿīn
Week 3Ibn al-Qayyim’s Iʿlām al-muwaqqiʿīn
Week 4Ibn al-Qayyim’s Iʿlām al-muwaqqiʿīn
Week 5Ibn al-Qayyim’s Iʿlām al-muwaqqiʿīn
Week 6Sharḥ ʿuqūd rasm al-muftī, pp.65-102
Week 7Sharḥ ʿuqūd rasm al-muftī, pp.103-146
Week 8Sharḥ ʿuqūd rasm al-muftī, pp.147-185
Week 9Break
Week 10Break
Week 11Muʿtamad: Intro & chapter 1
Week 12Muʿtamad: chapter 2
Week 13Muʿtamad: chapter 3
Week 14Muʿtamad: chapter 4
Week 15Muʿtamad: chapter 5
Week 16Muʿtamad: chapter 6 & khātima
Week 17Ibn Ḥazm’s al-Muḥallā: Introduction
Week 18Advice on iftā by al-Qarāfī
Week 19Break
Week 20Break
Week 21Ḥujjat Allāh al-bāligha, I/44-65
Week 22Ḥujjat Allāh al-bāligha, I/423-435
Week 23Qawāʿid ṣughrā, pp.31-85
Week 24Qawāʿid ṣughrā, pp.85-157
Week 25al-Qawl al-mufīd
Week 26ʿIqd al-jīd
Week 27al-Būṭī on women
Week 28al-Būṭī on women
Week 29Break
Week 30Break


Core BooksDetails
Al-Nadwī, Akramal-Muʿtamad fī uṣūl al-fatwā. Dār al-Muqtabas, Damascus, 2024.
Secondary ReadingDetails
Ibn ʿĀbidīn, Muḥammad AmīnSharḥ ʿuqūd rasm al-muftī. Isam, Istanbul, 2020.
al-ʿIzz bin ʿAbd al-Salāmal-Fawā’id fī ikhtiṣār al-maqāṣid. Dār al-Fikr, Beirut, 1996.
Ibn al-QayyimIʿlām al-muwaqqiʿīn. Dār ʿĀlam al-Fawā’id, Makka, 1437.
Ibn Ḥazmal-Muḥallā bi ’l-āthār fi sharḥ al-mujallā bi ’l-ijtiṣār. Dār Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 2016.
Al-Qarāfīal-Iḥkām fī tamyīz al-fatāwā. Maktab al-Maṭbūʿāt al-Islāmiyya, Ḥalab, 1995.
Shāh Walī AllāhḤujjat Allāh al-bāligha. Dār Ibn Kathīr, Damascus, 2020.
Shāh Walī AllāhʿIdq al-jīd fī aḥkām al-ijtihād wa ’l-taqlīd. Dār al-Fatḥ, Sharja, 1995.
al-Shawkānīal-Qawl al-mufīd fī adillat al-ijtihād wa ’l-taqlīd. Dār al-Kitāb al-Maṣrī, Cairo, 1990.
al-Būṭīal-Mar’at bayna ṭughyān al-niẓām al-gharbī wa laṭāfāt al-tashrīʿ al-rabbānī. Dār al-Fikr, Damascus, 1996.