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Hanafi Fiqh Essentials

This course aims to cover the essential legal aspects of ritual worship based on the book ‘Al-Fiqh al-Islami’ by Shaykh Akram Nadwi.

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Accelerated Arabic Programme

This unique 6-week programme will serve as an in-depth study of the core foundation of the Arabic language, covering both linguistics and practical application like no other.

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Few Thoughts on Surah al-‘Ankabut

The surah begins with the question: {a hasiba n-nasu an…} It is not right to translate hasiba as ‘think’/‘imagine’ or ‘suppose’/‘conjecture’. The meaning here is ‘reckon’, ‘calculate’, to use reason to weigh up options in order to come to a judgment about…

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Surah al-Nazi`at

Surah al-Nazi`at

In the opening line, the words are related to the verb naza`a, meaning to drag away or strip out forcibly. Other common words in Arabic derived from the same root include meanings like struggle, death struggle, the agony of death.

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Surah al-Mursalat

Surah al-Mursalat

This surah alerts us to the very evident reality that life in this world subsists within a beneficent arrangement that has been put in place and operates independently of human will and agency. Although this reality is obvious everywhere and at all times…

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Surah al-Kahf

Surah al-Kahf

This surah was revealed in Makkah at a time when the hostility of the Quraysh, and their fear and hatred of Islam and of the Prophet, were at their height. They adopted every measure to stop the Prophet from preaching…

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Surah al-Takwir & Surah al-Infitar

Surah al-Takwir & Surah al-Infitar

These surahs compel us to call to mind realities that we accept are true but which we almost-never include in our conscious, deliberate calculations when we decide on a course of action or when we put a value on something when we say…

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Surah al-Insan & al-Dahr

Surah al-Insan & al-Dahr

This surah can be paired with the one before it. Al-Qiyamah ended with a brief account of the lowly first stages of human life, from which one can hardly imagine that there could emerge so complex a creature as a human being capable of knowing right from wrong and therefore…

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