Breath Control
Is guided meditation allowed? In this case, someone else guides you to focus on breathing and then you are asked to imagine like you are collecting all those negative emotions which have been keeping you in a state of unhappiness and then letting it go to stop…
Avoiding Hypnotherapies
I wanted to know if Hypnotherapy is allowed in Islam? Like to overcome any negative thoughts by listening to tracks which guide you to think positive while there is a trypnaural brainwave music used. In particular there is a woman who…
Presenting Islam without deception
Allah has commanded presenting the religion to non-Muslims in a good way, that is to say, with patient courtesy and kindness, and by every means to avoid provoking non-Muslims into retaliatory insults. Providing someone in need of material help (such as...

Tell us: “What are you?”
They said: You have authored “Al Fiqh Al Islami” according to the madhab of Abu Hanifah Nu’man ibn Thabit, may Allah have mercy on him, collating the school’s evidences therein, and you have written a biography on him; so you are a Hanafi.

The Best Madrassa
They said: You have worked in Oxford for twenty years on an academic project looking at the history of the Islamic sciences in India and its Madrassas and centres of learning. So what is the best madrassa in the long history of India…

Nuzhat al-Nadhr
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا محمد الصادق الأمين وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين، ومن تبعهم إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد

Wiping on Socks
They said: What is your opinion regarding Shaykh Mohammad Nimr al-Khatib? I said: He is our teacher. The most erudite, the prolific and high narrator of hadith, the virtuous, al-Sayyadi al-Rifa‘i al-Husaini, hailing from the Palestinian frontier town of Haifa.

Combining Prayers whilst Travelling
In the name of God, the Abundantly Compassionate, the Ever Merciful They said: Is it true that you combine Zuhr with Asr and Maghrib with Isha whilst travelling, by advancing one (jam‘ ta‘jil) or delaying the other (jam‘ ta’khir)?