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Modern science seeks power, not wisdom

Modern science seeks power, not wisdom

Modern science is dedicated to explaining events and processes in the natural world, most of the time by means of some degree of mastery of the chain of the causes and effects that lead to specific events and processes. The problem with this approach is two-fold....

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Over-definition of legal concepts

Over-definition of legal concepts

Many scholars infer from instances of Qur’anic or Prophetic ruling, what they think is the common or universal principle which governs these rulings. For example, the notion that ‘the state of woman is covering’ is derived from specific rulings about how Muslim women...

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The evil eye

The evil eye

Translated by Hala Akram and Aisha Akram A question was put to me by the well known Quranic scholar, Ustādh Nouman Ali Khan about the truth of the evil eye. The answer: Imam Bukhari narrates in his Sahih from Abu Hurayrah, and Imam Muslim narrates in his...

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The Most Ridiculous Question

The Most Ridiculous Question

Translated by Dr. Abu ZaydThey asked: To atheists, we affirm the existence of God and point to the causes of everything, and then to the causes of those causes until we arrive at the cause of all causes, the Prime Mover, God, who is the creator of the...

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Practices on the Days of Dhu al-Hijjah

Practices on the Days of Dhu al-Hijjah

It is recommended that one give special attention to the day of `Id al-Fitr and the ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah by remembering Allah and glorifying Him. `Abdullah ibn `Abbas reports that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these days.”

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Passing of Shaykh Salman al-Mazahiri

Passing of Shaykh Salman al-Mazahiri

الشيخ سلمان المظاهري في ذمة الله تعالى بقلم: د. محمد أكرم الندوي توفي مساء اليوم (يوم الاثنين تاسع عشري ذي القعدة سنة إحدى وأربعين وأربعمائة وألف)، شيخنا المجيز المربي الجليل الشيخ السيد محمد سلمان المظاهري الكاندهلوي، رئيس جامعة مظاهر العلوم بسهارنفور، الهند، وهذا...

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