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Shaytan’s Tricks

Shaytan’s Tricks

Most people most of the time do not intend to do bad things (crimes and sins, like lying, stealing, defrauding, raping, killing, backbiting, etc.). Most people most of the time intend to do good things (or ‘neutral’ things, things whose good or bad value is not known). The Shaytan would be wasting much of his energy…

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Mixed classes for men and women

Mixed classes for men and women

Some people from India, where I used to teach, have put to me the following question: Why now do you teach classes in which men and women students share the same space? [By ‘the same space’ is meant a space without any sort of physical partition.] Since the question addresses my own practice, I am obliged to answer for myself.

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The Month of Ramadan

The Month of Ramadan

Translated by Dr. Abu Zayd They asked: What is the meaning of the month of Ramadan? I replied: It is a month of blessings, abundance, happiness, and beauty. In it, the Qurʾān was revealed as guidance for humanity, guidance that is self-evident and clear....

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The Soundest Book

The Soundest Book

They asked: What is the greatest book? I replied: After the Book of God, the greatest book undoubtedly is the Ṣaḥīḥ of Imām Bukhārī, entitled al-Jāmiʿ al-Musnad al-Ṣaḥīḥ al-Mukhtaṣar min Umūr Rasūlillāh wa Sunanihī wa Ayyāmihī. Nothing like it has ever been authored in Islam or any other tradition.

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The pandemic and Ramadan

The pandemic and Ramadan

Introduction Only a week remains to prepare before we welcome the month of Ramadan. With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, so is the lockdown, and it is most likely that the lockdown will continue throughout Ramadan, and perhaps even longer. People are preparing...

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Contagion in Islam

Contagion in Islam

Contagion in Islam: Integrating Faith with Health Precautions Translated by Dr. Abu Zayd Introduction The coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout the world. The most effective means being considered to stop its spread is for people to remain in their homes and...

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Coping with the Covid-19 outbreak

Coping with the Covid-19 outbreak

Introduction Covid-19 is spreading at great speed throughout the human population of the world. While Europe and the USA are reporting the highest number of infections, all countries are affected. If the disease spreads in the same way everywhere, there can be no...

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Washing the Deceased from COVID-19

Washing the Deceased from COVID-19

Translated by Dr. Abu Zayd Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented challenges to Islamic funeral practices. Community workers have raised critical questions regarding the proper procedures for handling the deceased who have succumbed to the...

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Address Religious Concerns During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Address Religious Concerns During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has not only posed significant health challenges but has also raised important questions regarding the intersection of religious practices and public health measures. Medical professionals, who are on the frontlines of this crisis,...

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