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Reduction (Qaṣr) in the Prayer
Translated by: Tariq PandorThey said: What is the default regarding performing prayer (ṣalah)?I said: The default concerning the prescribed prayers is that they be performed in a house of Allah (i.e. a masjid) in congregation (jamāʿa), meeting their...
Guidelines for Muslims on Coronavirus
Coronavirus Covid-19 has reached all countries and continents and has just recently been declared a global pandemic. Many are circulating all sorts of information, precautions and treatments as a response to this outbreak, leading to more anxiety, confusion, and...
Principles and applications
Both general principles and concrete applications must be learnt together for creation to fulfil its Creator’s purpose. If you don’t learn how to interpret an engineering design into an engineered object, then all your engineering skills will be spent on repeating a limited number of engineered objects.
There is no reliable information about Dajjal that is sufficient responsibly to change your behavior or your policies. What, then, is the point of the Prophet’s giving any information, however limited, about Dajjal? The answer must begin by reflecting on what need people have to know something about such matters.
Settling disputes between Muslims in the UK
The primary function of courts in any jurisdiction, Islamic or otherwise, is to settle disputes according to rules that both disputing parties know and agree. One of the main functions of the state is to uphold the authority of the courts…
مجلس سماع وعلم
عقد معهد السلام مجلس سماع للحديث الساعة الخامسة إلى السابعة مساء الأحد سابع رجب سنة 1441هـ بلندن عاصمة المملكة المتحدة، حضره العلماء والطلاب رجالا ونساء في عدد كبير، قرأ فيه الشيخ العالم المسند المحقق محمد زياد التكلة جزء الحسن بن عرفة بن يزيد العبدي (150-257)، وجزء الاعتقاد للإمام محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري (ت 256)، والقصيدة الوضاحية في مدح أم المؤمنين عائشة رضي الله عنها للشيخ الإمام أبي عمران موسى بن محمد بن
The role of ‘ulama’
The fact is that the `ulama’ are not a respected group in society. The respect that they are given is primarily sentimental because of the emotional attachment that all people have to their religious and cultural background. That background in all societies without exception, until the last century…
How to engage with what is happening in our time
I generally avoid commenting on political issues, because in my experience doing so only serves to complicate and multiply the weaknesses of my fellow Muslims. I prefer to focus on matters which can waken people to a strong realization that they have…
Any phobia has two directions from which it arises. One direction is from the person himself who is suffering the phobia, some cause in him, psychological or cultural. The other direction is from that which the phobia is about. In this case, Muslims should realise and admit to…
Al `Imran 121-130
The Qur’an is not revealed to human minds and hearts cut off from their pasts. It is not revealed to blank minds, but to minds already shaped and constrained by their culture (inherited from their ancestors) and by present, ongoing relations and commitments.