Critical Reflections on Feminism
What I have to say is in two parts: (1) some critical reflections on the direction of contemporary feminism; and (2) an account of three perspectives on how to pursue reforms in the norms and conventions that negatively affect women in Muslim communities.
Benefitting from our Differences
When the believers are in dispute over a matter, they should defer it to God and His Messenger. We cannot obey this command if there is in our community any established institution to which religious differences and disputes among Muslims must be referred.
Tafsir Series
[Surah Al-Anbiya | Surah al-Hajj | Surah al-Muminun | Surah al-Nur] In this year-long course with Shaykh Akram Nadwi, four important chapters (surahs) of the Quran will be studied with theological, legal and spiritual emphases.
Departure of Scholars from the Way of the Ḥadīth Imāms
They asked: We attend your lectures and you point out all sorts of scholarly mistakes in the treatment of the Prophetic sunnah and the failure to fully grasp the approach of the Imāms of ḥadīth. So please inform us of the roots and origins of this fault and error.
Virtue of the Juristic Approach in Fiqh
They said: One particular matter really concerns us. I asked: What is that? They replied: People have differed in fiqh, as some take it from the jurists while others take it from the scholars of ḥadīth. I replied: Why do you always inquire about simple matters…
Between Hadith and Fiqh
They said: We were impressed by your article “Between Hadith and Philosophy”, benefitting from it, and thereafter, being able to distinguish between the nature of hadith and the nature of philosophy and their respective standards and measurements…
How to Motivate yourself for Study
Eating is possible but difficult and unpleasant when you have no appetite. Similarly, study is difficult and unpleasant when you have no curiosity and no puzzlement in respect of what you intend to study. Curiosity and being puzzled constitute…
Islamic Law and Water
Water is the basis of life on earth in all its forms. It is a resource as essential as light and air. The spoiling of this resource, or the restriction or abuse of access to it, at the least harms life and, in the extreme, threatens its continuance.