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Reflections on Surah al-Jinn

Reflections on Surah al-Jinn

When someone behaves in a way that shows that they are not in control of their will, that they cannot sense what is harmful or dangerous to themselves, the Arabic word used will probably be majnun. Literally, the word means jinn-possessed.

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The Crisis facing Madrasah

The Crisis facing Madrasah

Madrasahs, like Nadwa, Deoband, Islah and others, which have been active in service of the Muslim community for the best part of 150 years, now face a hard choice. They are under pressure to shift from the objectives for which they were originally…

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Indian Triple Talaq Bill

Indian Triple Talaq Bill

People have called and written to me to report that Muslims in India are very angry and, at the same time, very anxious, that the so-called “triple talaq” bill has been passed by both houses of the parliament, and the President has given assent to it.

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Surrogate Motherhood

Surrogate Motherhood

Your question about surrogate motherhood was as follows: Since the surrogate mother is being injected not with sperm, but a fertilized egg, I’m having difficulty understanding the basis of necessitating zawaj (marriage)…

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The Hajj represents for Muslims all the hopes and aspirations, all the testing and hardships, and all the consolations, of worship. It combines all the major pillars of worship: affirmation of trust in God and His Messenger…

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The Appropriate Methodology for Teaching Grammar

The Appropriate Methodology for Teaching Grammar

قالوا: ما رأيك في المنهاج التعليمي في عامة مدارس الهند المطبقة للمنهاج “النظامي”؟ قلت: فيه مفاسد ومساوئ أبرزتها في مقالي السابق “المنهاج التعليمي النظامي”، فلا أعيدها، ومن أراد الاطلاع عليها، فليرجع إلى ذلك المقال
قالوا: فما إصلاحه؟

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A New Perspective on the Hanafi Madhhab

A New Perspective on the Hanafi Madhhab

قالوا: ما معنى الدين والمذهب؟ قلت: الدين إطاعة الله ورسوله، وهو صراط الله المستقيم الذي أوحاه إلى نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم، والمذهب في الأصل هو المنهج التطبيقي للدين، ثم تطوَّر إلى منهج فكري كذلك، وقد حدث لدى المتأخرين من أتباع المذاهب الفقهية

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