Charity in Islam
Even where people are relatively comfortable, the norm of doing charity remains visible and beneficial – even in Muslim communities in the UK, you will see children running around with plates of food for the neighbours if something nice has been cooked.
Unity and Solidarity
It was a depressing and distressing experience for me, at a recent visit to a mosque here in the north of the UK, to hear the call to prayer and then observe that some Muslims did not respond by joining in the lines for the prayer. Rather, they formed…
Reflections on Theory of Evolution
The theory of evolution of all species from a common ancestor, with no special distinction for humankind, spills over from the domain and concern of specialists in biology. It does so because the theory is often promoted as something we have to believe.
Who Has Taught You Fear?
قلت: هو الخوف من الله تعالى: سخطه وغضبه في الدنيا والآخرة، والقيام بين يديه، والنار.
The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun
The Muqaddimah of ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Ishbili, known as Ibn Khaldun (732-808/1332-406), was written in 1377. It is considered the first work on philosophy of history or cultural history.
Apostasy among Muslims in the UK
Many Muslims and others repeatedly claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. If there is truth in this claim, it may have more to do with relatively higher birth-rates among Muslim communities than higher rates of conversion to Islam.
Supplications in the Quran
In the Quran supplication is a special form of human speaking addressed to God. We say human speaking because the Quran tells us that we humans do not understand the speech of other creatures who also address God.