The Virtue of Sūrah al-Kahf
They said: What is the degree of authenticity of the Prophetic narrations found regarding the virtues of chapters (sūrahs) of the Noble Qur’ān? I said: The authenticated (ṣahīh) of them are very few, and of the most well known established ṣahīh is what reliable narrators have transmitted about…
The passing of Dr Murad Hofmann
نعي إلينا صباح اليوم (18 جمادى الأولى 1441هـ) المفكر الألمعي والكاتب الإسلامي الدكتور مراد هوفمان، سفير ألمانيا الأسبق في المغرب، وعضو المجلس الأعلى لمسلمي ألمانيا، وصاحب المؤلفات
المتداولة عن الاسلام والمسلمين، تغمده الله بمغفرة منه ورضوان
لقيته في رمضان سنة 1412هـ في الرباط وهو سفير ألمانيا لدى المغرب، فرحب بي متألفا مستأنسا، وقسمات وجهه منبسطة
How do I study and what do I learn?
To understand what Imam Muslim is doing the historical context is decisively important. Hadith collections of different kind and quality were in wide circulation. Muslim felt the need for corrective scholarship to provide the Muslim community with a secure corpus of texts…
Reflections on Theory of Evolution
The theory of evolution of all species from a common ancestor, with no special distinction for humankind, spills over from the domain and concern of specialists in biology. It does so because the theory is often promoted as something we have to believe.
Da’wah – Invitation to Islam
God says He does not love that men say what they do not do (al-Saff). This means two things. (a) Be careful of the language you use. Don’t be like those poets who say things that sound very impressive but are impossible to do…
Surah al-Nazi`at
In the opening line, the words are related to the verb naza`a, meaning to drag away or strip out forcibly. Other common words in Arabic derived from the same root include meanings like struggle, death struggle, the agony of death.
Surah al-Mursalat
This surah alerts us to the very evident reality that life in this world subsists within a beneficent arrangement that has been put in place and operates independently of human will and agency. Although this reality is obvious everywhere and at all times…
Surah al-Kahf
This surah was revealed in Makkah at a time when the hostility of the Quraysh, and their fear and hatred of Islam and of the Prophet, were at their height. They adopted every measure to stop the Prophet from preaching…