Tafsir Series
[Surah Al-Anbiya | Surah al-Hajj | Surah al-Muminun | Surah al-Nur] In this year-long course with Shaykh Akram Nadwi, four important chapters (surahs) of the Quran will be studied with theological, legal and spiritual emphases.
Orientalists and Hadith
Textual and stylistic criticism that developed in the study of ancient texts, were extended to religious texts from the late eighteenth century onwards. The criticism would demonstrate layers of editing and other interventions in those religious texts.
The Origin of a Successful Marriage:
Of course, in the contemporary western world, culturally speaking, marriage has become established as a particularly personal, private preference. It is viewed as a sort of self-expression or self-fulfilment and, some degree of romantic association…

قالوا: أخبرنا عن الكلام والصمت أيهما أفضل؟ قلت: الصمت أفضل إلا إذا لم تجدوا مناصا من الكلام الذي فيه خير ونفع، فإن الصمت وقاية ضد ورطات يوقع الإنسان فيها لسانه إيقاعا، يغرُّه النطق وتحريك شفتيه غافلا عن يوم تخمد فيه الحركات، ويختم فيه على الأفواه،ويحاسب فيه على كل ما نطق به من دقيق وجليل حسابا عسيرا غير يسير

Some Reflections on ‘Aqidah
A creed is a special kind of formal statement of religious belief or collection of such statements. A very good and justly famous creed among the Sunnis is the document known as al-‘Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah. I will be discussing it at some length.

The Meaning of Ijāzah
They asked: We see you greatly welcoming the quest for Ijāzah from various teachers, both verbally and in writing, and we see you placing them in a position of tremendous esteem and respect, even coveting them without end.

Sahih al-Bukhari
The Sahih is the most reliable record of how God’s Messenger, salla-llahu`alayhiwasallam, understood and explained and put into practice every aspect of the mission entrusted to him. We all know that Imam al-Bukhari…

How to Benefit from the Qur’an
Today I will be talking about different aspects of how we, as believers, can get from the Qur’an the benefit that, by the grace of God, it offers to us. That benefit is guidance. The guidance of the Qur’an is, for Muslims, not just a matter of knowing the list of concrete…