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Maqasid of Shari’ah

Maqasid of Shari’ah

Today I will be talking about the maqasid of the Shari’ah. My main focus will be the argumentation, the reasoning, of great jurists of the early period. I will try to give the reasons, partly philosophical and partly historical, for the differences on this issue…

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The Food of the People of the Book P2

The Food of the People of the Book P2

They said: People have raised questions and doubts concerning what you published about the verse: “And the food of those given the scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them.” I replied: Don’t you know that…

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The Forty Hadith concept

The Forty Hadith concept

Most people are not able to read hadith all the time. Most of us are not scholars of hadith. But our need for hadith is not less than theirs. To make it easier for people to benefit from hadith, a convention became established among Muslim scholars of…

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The True Meaning of Ṣaḥīḥ

The True Meaning of Ṣaḥīḥ

They asked: What is the true meaning of the ṣaḥīḥ (sound) ḥadīth? I replied: Experts of this discipline have used it for a variety of meanings, all of which have in common the reliability or verification of a report’s attribution to its source.

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From the Sirah of the Prophet ﷺ – The Messenger as a Teacher

From the Sirah of the Prophet ﷺ – The Messenger as a Teacher

قالوا: حدِّثنا عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم معلِّما. قلت: قد حالفكم التوفيق في سؤالكم هذا نامًّا عن صفاء طبائعكم وطهارة سرائركم، فما أجهل الناس به صلى الله عليه وسلم معلِّمًا! تدنى مستواهم وهبط هبوطا، وفسد عقلهم واختل تفكيرهم أيما اختلال

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The Length and Number of Units of Prayer

The Length and Number of Units of Prayer

They asked: What are the obligatory and sunnah prayers (ṣalāh), and what is the number of their units (rakʿahs)? I replied: I have mentioned to you in a previous article that our prayers are scheduled…

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Tarawīḥ Prayer is not Obligatory

Tarawīḥ Prayer is not Obligatory

They said: Some people before us have condemned in very severe terms those who don’t perform the Tarawīḥ prayer. I replied: This condemnation is extremism in the religion of God and strictness where it doesn’t belong…

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Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse, whether of women or men or children, cannot be prevented by law. At most, law agencies can punish abuse after it has happened and has done the terrible, lasting psychological and social damage that it does.

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