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Fasting six days of Shawwal

Fasting six days of Shawwal

Your question was: How important is fasting six days in Shawwal? My response: Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, may Allah be pleased with him, reported from Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him, that he said: “For one who observed the fast of Ramadan…

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Religious emotion and self-knowledge

Religious emotion and self-knowledge

People often confuse the intensity of an experience or feeling with the reality and authenticity of that experience or feeling. This applies very much to religious and devotional exercises. Both these can induce states of minds like…

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Manners in Islam

Manners in Islam

There is no rigid definition; it is relative to time and place and occasion. Nevertheless, we can apply a couple of test questions that, I find, always give a pretty good indication of what the level should be. First, I ask: am I behaving like this…

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The Book is Two Books

The Book is Two Books

They asked: The compilations and works of the noble Prophetic ḥadīth from the first century to our day have become numerous, including the Ṣaḥīfah collections of the Companions and Followers…

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Mawlana Muhammad Deedat

Mawlana Muhammad Deedat

آج بدهـ (23 ربيع الثانى سنه 1439هـ مطابق 10 جنورى سنه 2018م) كى صبح كو فجر كى نماز كے لئے اٹها اور يه اندوهناكـ خبر ملى كه چند گهنٹے پهلے همارے محترم دوست، عالم با عمل اور انسان صالح مولانا محمد

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How Should You Write an Article?

How Should You Write an Article?

This post has 2 parts to it. First part: What can be considered to be a well-written Article? The answer to that is: 1) The topic of the essay should be clearly and completely defined in your mind and have a specific description.

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Who Has Taught You Generosity?

Who Has Taught You Generosity?

قالوا: ما معنى السماحة؟ قلت: معناه السهولة والدماثة، والأريحية والكرم، وهي خلق في الإنسان أصيل نبيل، يجعل حامله مأنوسًا ميسِّرا للناس أمورهم مع احترام لهم وبذل المعروف لهم، والإنسانُ السمحُ هو الطيب اللين الرقيق، والجواد الفياح، حسن الظن بالورى،

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Who Has Taught You Kindness?

Who Has Taught You Kindness?

قلت: الرفق هو لين الجانب في القول والفعل، والمداراة والتلطف في التعامل، وهو أخو التأني والتثبت، وضده الخرق والعنف، والرفق له صفة سيولة الماء ورقته، يدخل في النفوس مرحَّبًا به ومحتفًى، وبدون عنف أو تقريع، والرفق أيمن نهجا، والعنف أشأم منحى، والرفق

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