علة حديث: لا توتروا بثلاث
علة حديث: لا توتروا بثلاث بقلم: د. محمد أكرم الندوي تخريج الحديث: روي الحديث على وجهين مرفوعا وموقوفا: أخرجه مرفوعا الإمام الدارقطني رحمه الله في سننه، باب لا تشبهوا الوتر بصلاة المغرب، قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن سليمان بن الأشعث، حدثنا أحمد بن صالح، حدثنا عبد الله بن...
This 4-day short course will be a chance to study the book al-Ihkam li ’l-Mujma‘ ‘alayhi min al-Ahkam with its author, Shaykh Akram Nadwi. This book is a short compilation of approximately 200 hadith narrations…
Beautiful Names
The Beautiful Names of Allah are indicators of the vast and limitless nature of God. Found in both the Quran and Hadith literature, they enumerate attributes of The One who tells us that, ‘There is nothing like unto Him’ (Q42:11).
Translated by Dr. Abu Zayd The coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout the world. The most effective means to stop its spread that is being considered is for people to remain in their homes and avoid coming close to others. The contagious nature of this disease is...
Coping with the Covid-19 outbreak
Covid-19 is spreading at great speed throughout the human population of the world. While Europe and the USA are reporting the highest number of infections, all countries are affected. If the disease spreads in the same way everywhere, there can be no doubt that the...
Washing the Deceased from COVID -19
Issues related to those who have died from the coronavirus: washing their bodies, their burial and funeral prayers Some community workers have put to me some questions concerning those who have died as a result of infection by the coronavirus: Q: Since the bodies (and...
Two rulings related to present emergency
One of my students who is a medical doctor in one of the hospitals in the UK asked me following: Q: Some doctor brothers are having issues in hospitals at this critical time. They have been advised to shorten or shave off their beards because face masks do not fit...
Reduction (Qaṣr) in the Prayer
Translated by: Tariq PandorThey said: What is the default regarding performing prayer (ṣalah)?I said: The default concerning the prescribed prayers is that they be performed in a house of Allah (i.e. a masjid) in congregation (jamāʿa), meeting their...