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Indian Triple Talaq Bill

Indian Triple Talaq Bill

People have called and written to me to report that Muslims in India are very angry and, at the same time, very anxious, that the so-called “triple talaq” bill has been passed by both houses of the parliament, and the President has given assent to it.

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The Standing on the Plain of Arafah

The Standing on the Plain of Arafah

Translated by Dr. Abu ZaydStanding in ʿArafah is ṣalāh just as ṭawāf is ṣalāh, for Ḥajj combines all forms of ṣalāh together.Ṣalāh essentially signifies entry into the presence of God. When an ordinary person comes before a powerful king into his majesty’s...

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Maqasid of Shari’ah

Maqasid of Shari’ah

Today I will be talking about the maqasid of the Shari’ah. My main focus will be the argumentation, the reasoning, of great jurists of the early period. I will try to give the reasons, partly philosophical and partly historical, for the differences on this issue…

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The Food of the People of the Book P2

The Food of the People of the Book P2

They said: People have raised questions and doubts concerning what you published about the verse: “And the food of those given the scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them.” I replied: Don’t you know that…

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The Forty Hadith concept

The Forty Hadith concept

Most people are not able to read hadith all the time. Most of us are not scholars of hadith. But our need for hadith is not less than theirs. To make it easier for people to benefit from hadith, a convention became established among Muslim scholars of…

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The Food of the People of the Book P2

The Food of the People of the Book

They said to me: We have some problems understanding verse five of Sūrah al-Māʾidah: “and the food of those given the scripture before you is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them.” So, please assist us in solving the ambiguity and…

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Be answerable for your speech

Be answerable for your speech

I would remind my brothers and sisters in Islam – those who support me in some degree or agree with me in some ways, and those who disagree with me or oppose me or abuse me – that speech is action which has weight in the present and…

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Hope for Muslims

Hope for Muslims

The difficulties that Muslims are facing in our times belong to every aspect of life. Moreover, very often the loss of the political power, or strength of the opponents of Islam make many of us lose hope. This despair is not appropriate to the people who…

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Breath Control

Breath Control

Is guided meditation allowed? In this case, someone else guides you to focus on breathing and then you are asked to imagine like you are collecting all those negative emotions which have been keeping you in a state of unhappiness and then letting it go to stop…

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Avoiding Hypnotherapies

Avoiding Hypnotherapies

I wanted to know if Hypnotherapy is allowed in Islam? Like to overcome any negative thoughts by listening to tracks which guide you to think positive while there is a trypnaural brainwave music used. In particular there is a woman who…

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