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Missing jumu`ah without excuse

Missing jumu`ah without excuse

Question: There is hadith in Abu Dawud that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever misses jumu`ah without a good reason should give in sadaqah one dinar (a gold coin); if he can’t find one, then half. Is it obligatory for us to give this amount if we miss…

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Eulogy on Moulana Farahi

Eulogy on Moulana Farahi

Written by Allamah Syed Suleman Nadwi Translated from Arabic into English by Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi This world is an astounding place. And perhaps the most startling occurrence is when what one fears most transpires - the unimaginable. We submitted this treatise...

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Desire is desire, not will

Desire is desire, not will

Translated by Hala Akram and Aisha Akram During this lockdown period, you are confined to your homes. Madrasahs are not yet open. You wish to continue your studies at home, engage in regular activities, and make the most of your time. You set aside time to read...

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How do I study and what do I learn?

How do I study and what do I learn?

To understand what Imam Muslim is doing the historical context is decisively important. Hadith collections of different kind and quality were in wide circulation. Muslim felt the need for corrective scholarship to provide the Muslim community with a secure corpus of texts…

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Is Mortgage Permissible?

Is Mortgage Permissible?

Is taking a mortgage to buy a house permissible if the money borrowed must be paid back with interest?That which is impermissible (haram) can become permissible (halal) in conditions of necessity/need for as long as those conditions endure and so long as...

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Hanafi Fiqh Essentials

Hanafi Fiqh Essentials

This course aims to cover the essential legal aspects of ritual worship based on the book ‘Al-Fiqh al-Islami’ by Shaykh Akram Nadwi.

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Accelerated Arabic Programme

Accelerated Arabic Programme

This unique 6-week programme will serve as an in-depth study of the core foundation of the Arabic language, covering both linguistics and practical application like no other.

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Few Thoughts on Surah al-‘Ankabut

Few Thoughts on Surah al-‘Ankabut

The surah begins with the question: {a hasiba n-nasu an…} It is not right to translate hasiba as ‘think’/‘imagine’ or ‘suppose’/‘conjecture’. The meaning here is ‘reckon’, ‘calculate’, to use reason to weigh up options in order to come to a judgment about…

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