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علة حديث: لا توتروا بثلاث

علة حديث: لا توتروا بثلاث بقلم: د. محمد أكرم الندوي تخريج الحديث: روي الحديث على وجهين مرفوعا وموقوفا: أخرجه مرفوعا الإمام الدارقطني رحمه الله في سننه، باب لا تشبهوا الوتر بصلاة المغرب، قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن سليمان بن الأشعث، حدثنا أحمد بن صالح، حدثنا عبد الله بن...

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This 4-day short course will be a chance to study the book al-Ihkam li ’l-Mujma‘ ‘alayhi min al-Ahkam with its author, Shaykh Akram Nadwi. This book is a short compilation of approximately 200 hadith narrations…

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Beautiful Names

The Beautiful Names of Allah are indicators of the vast and limitless nature of God. Found in both the Quran and Hadith literature, they enumerate attributes of The One who tells us that, ‘There is nothing like unto Him’ (Q42:11).

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The Month of Ramadan

The Month of Ramadan

Translated by Dr. Abu Zayd They asked: What is the meaning of the month of Ramadan? I replied: It is a month of blessings, abundance, happiness, and beauty. In it, the Qurʾān was revealed as guidance for humanity, guidance that is self-evident and clear....

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The Soundest Book

The Soundest Book

They asked: What is the greatest book? I replied: After the Book of God, the greatest book undoubtedly is the Ṣaḥīḥ of Imām Bukhārī, entitled al-Jāmiʿ al-Musnad al-Ṣaḥīḥ al-Mukhtaṣar min Umūr Rasūlillāh wa Sunanihī wa Ayyāmihī. Nothing like it has ever been authored in Islam or any other tradition.

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Two questions regarding congregational prayer

Two questions regarding congregational prayer

Many people have asked me: As we are compelled to pray in our homes, can we follow an imam via live broadcast by radio or TV or other means of ‘live-streaming’? A congregational prayer is valid if there are two or more than two doing the prayer in the same space.

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The pandemic and Ramadan

The pandemic and Ramadan

Only a week remains to prepare, before we welcome the month of Ramadan. With the covid-19 pandemic ongoing, so is the lockdown, and it is most likely that the lockdown will continue throughout Ramadan, and perhaps even longer. People are preparing themselves for this...

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Translated by Dr. Abu Zayd The coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout the world. The most effective means to stop its spread that is being considered is for people to remain in their homes and avoid coming close to others. The contagious nature of this disease is...

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