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السلام انسٹيٹيوٹ لندن كى سالانه تقريب

السلام انسٹيٹيوٹ لندن كى سالانه تقريب از: ڈاكٹر محمد اكرم ندوى صاحب ساز كو لازم ہے كه غافل نه رہے گاہے گاہے غلط آہنگ بهى ہوتا ہے سروش آج (شام ساڑهے چه سے ساڑهے نو بجے تك، 18 دسمبر 2020) السلام انسٹيٹيوٹ لندن/آكسفورڈ كے جلسۂ تقسيم اسناد كى سالانه تقريب راقم السطور كى...

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ما سنن الدارقطني؟

ما سنن الدارقطني؟ بقلم: د. محمد أكرم الندوي سألني بعض المهتمين بالحديث النبوي الشريف ومصادره عن كتاب السنن للدارقطني، ما هو؟ ألفه على غرار كتب السنن أم صاغه صياغة كتب العلل؟ فأجبته بما يلي: اسمه: هو كتاب السنن، تأليف الامام الحافظ أبي الحسن علي بن عمر بن أحمد بن محمد...

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Eulogy on Moulana Farahi

Eulogy on Moulana Farahi

Written by Allamah Syed Suleman Nadwi Translated from Arabic into English by Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi This world is an astounding place. And perhaps the most startling occurrence is when what one fears most transpires - the unimaginable. We submitted this treatise...

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Desire is desire, not will

Desire is desire, not will

Translated by Hala Akram and Aisha Akram. During this lockdown period, you are confined to your homes. Madrasahs are not yet open. You wish to continue your studies at home, engage in regular activities and make the most of your time. You set aside time to read...

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Prayer in the mosques during the easing of the lockdown

Prayer in the mosques during the easing of the lockdown

The covid-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions in the lives of millions of people all over the world. There is, first of all, the personal suffering of those who have had to cope with the loss of members of family and other loved ones –– the officially recorded death toll…

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Shaytan’s Tricks

Shaytan’s Tricks

Most people most of the time do not intend to do bad things (crimes and sins, like lying, stealing, defrauding, raping, killing, backbiting, etc.). Most people most of the time intend to do good things (or ‘neutral’ things, things whose good or bad value is not known). The Shaytan would be wasting much of his energy…

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Mixed classes for men and women

Mixed classes for men and women

Some people from India, where I used to teach, have put to me the following question: Why now do you teach classes in which men and women students share the same space? [By ‘the same space’ is meant a space without any sort of physical partition.] Since the question addresses my own practice, I am obliged to answer for myself.

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