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Nuzhat al-Nadhr

Nuzhat al-Nadhr

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم نزهة النظر في توضيح نخبة الفكر في مصطلح أهل الأثر استدراكات بقلم: محمد أكرم الندوي أوكسفورد الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا محمد الصادق الأمين وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين، ومن تبعهم إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد فالاصطلاح هو اتفاق...
Wiping on Socks

Wiping on Socks

They said: What is your opinion regarding Shaykh Mohammad Nimr al-Khatib? I said: He is our teacher. The most erudite, the prolific and high narrator of hadith, the virtuous, al-Sayyadi al-Rifa‘i al-Husaini, hailing from the Palestinian frontier town of Haifa. He...
Combining Prayers whilst Travelling

Combining Prayers whilst Travelling

They said: Is it true that you combine Zuhr with Asr and Maghrib with Isha whilst travelling, by advancing one (jam‘ ta‘jil) or delaying the other (jam‘ ta’khir)? I said: You have been [accurately] advised of my practice, [reliably] informed of my habit and have not...
Knowing the Exalted Lord

Knowing the Exalted Lord

They asked: Inform us of our Lord, bringing Him closer to our perception, without being overly excessive nor deficient through our expressions. I replied: What an excellent matter you have aimed and strived for, arising in my soul, with this question of yours,...
Advice to the New Generation of Nadwa

Advice to the New Generation of Nadwa

The new graduates of Nadwa who are about to step into a practical life are the future of the Nadwatul Ulama movement and are an invaluable asset to the Muslim community. At this important juncture of their lives, not fully appreciating their own value and not...
The Jumu’ah Khutbah in Non-Arabic

The Jumu’ah Khutbah in Non-Arabic

I once entered a mosque in Oxford with some Arab friends of mine to perform Jumu’ah prayer at its beginning time. The Imam, as is the practice followed in non-Arab countries, was preaching to the people in his native language. My friends asked me, “Should we pray...
Between Hadith and Philosophy

Between Hadith and Philosophy

They asked: Clarify for us the real difference between ḥadīth and philosophy. I replied: Success from your Lord has drawn close to you if you are indeed concerned with this question. It is a dangerous but worthy quest, whose neglect for many produces a gross...
The Book is Two Books

The Book is Two Books

Two Basic Categories of Ḥadīth Works1 They asked: The compilations and works of the noble Prophetic ḥadīth from the first century to our day have become numerous, including the Ṣaḥīfah collections of the Companions and Followers2; the Jāmiʿ3 collections of Maʿmar4,...
Who Has Taught You Generosity?

Who Has Taught You Generosity?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من علّمك السماحة بقلم: محمد أكرم الندوي قالوا: ما معنى السماحة؟ قلت: معناه السهولة والدماثة، والأريحية والكرم، وهي خلق في الإنسان أصيل نبيل، يجعل حامله مأنوسًا ميسِّرا للناس أمورهم مع احترام لهم وبذل المعروف لهم، والإنسانُ السمحُ هو الطيب اللين...
Who Has Taught You Kindness?

Who Has Taught You Kindness?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من علَّمك الرفق؟ بقلم: محمد أكرم الندوي   قالوا: ما معنى الرفق قلت: الرفق هو لين الجانب في القول والفعل، والمداراة والتلطف في التعامل، وهو أخو التأني والتثبت، وضده الخرق والعنف، والرفق له صفة سيولة الماء ورقته، يدخل في النفوس مرحَّبًا به...