The Nexus between Qu’ran & Sunnah
They asked: Clarify for us the true connection between the Qurʾān and the Sunnah. I asked: What do you mean? They replied: Islamic groups and sects have differed greatly over their stance towards the Sunnah and over the nature of…
The Meaning of Du’a
The hungry one calls upon Allah to feed him but food does not fall from the sky. The unwed calls upon Allah to grant him a child but he does not get what he wants. The supplicator calls and calls upon Allah but his wishes do not come true and…
Women doing qada’ of their missed fasts
Can women who missed some days of their their fasting in Ramadan due to menstruation or post-natal bleeding combine the intention of making up the missed days of fasting in Ramadan with the commended six days fasting in Shawwal?

Shaykh Akram Nadwi on Sahih Muslim
In our social media age, where “great scholar” is perhaps recklessly applied, Shaykh Akram Nadwi stands forth as arguably the leading traditional Islamic scholar in the West whose high repute is matched by his excellent published works…

Who really are the ones possessed by evil jinn?
The worst and the lowest of human effort is the effort of those who seek out fellow-human beings in desperate need – it may be grave sickness, dire poverty or ignorance – and exploit that need to extort money from them and enjoy dominance over them.

Why study the Sirah?
Muslims, following the meaning of the word muslim, are those who have surrendered and accepted peace with God. If they have really done that, if they have really accepted the terms of their surrender, Muslims should also be striving to become believers…

Non-Muslim Festivals
Muslims have responsibilities that are specific to them as Muslims and responsibilities that they share in common with all human beings. Among the latter are responsibilities related to the preservation of one’s life and health and general prosperity…

Between Hadith and Philosophy
They asked: Clarify for us the real difference between ḥadīth and philosophy. I replied: Success from your Lord has drawn close to you if you are indeed concerned with this question. It is a dangerous but worthy quest…